Keep in mind all the investigative work done was not done to discredit anyone. It was done to find out what went wrong. Are we OK saying it's OK to get killed in a race car? I hope not.
If anyone takes this personally I would suggest you look at what is being said and by who. Why does it seem that there are a couple of people willing to stick their neck out just to be right no matter how blue the sky is, in order to save someone(s) reputation or save a lawsuit.
The reality's about building a safer race car AND SAVING LIVES! Nothing else. If you take it any other way, then you are sadly mistaken.
Randy, very well put...
I'm hoping that no one is trying to throw any one "under the bus"...
And NO, it is NEVER OK for anyone to be killed...
Nor is it okay if a mfg has a solution for issues and is told "we can't because we'll have to throw are stuff away and start from scratch" see
::: Drag Racing Online ::: Part 2: Tire issues in the nitro classes are still a major problem - 10/10/2007
maybe it is time to start with a clean sheet of paper... listen to what has worked, listen to what can be done, and re-invent Floppers and Rails...
Question Everything... is there a reason Rails must be 300", is there a reason floppers must be 125"... any more than they must be 116" or 120" or that rails ideally should be the circumference of the tire?
I see a problem in the rules that except for the body, all cars must be identical... there is no wiggle room... gear spec'd, engine spec'd, tire spec'd, body must be approved, which I find funny, floppers today look more like what's on the street than they did 20 years ago, even ten... go back to the max chop of 2", min width of 66", max spoiler heights, ect.... wheelbase +/- 10% oem? I hope not...
and there in lies the problem... we've over spec'd the unimportant stuff, limiting innovation... and ignored the safety stuff