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Baze tell his side of the story

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Regarding Ron Dunlap’s comment, I fail to see how what I wrote in any way attacks Mr. Bazemore. At no point in that article did I attack him for anything he’s said in the past, but rather defended him for having said those things. I also pointed out that in his comments on John Force in the past those comments were directed more towards Ford Motor Company than they were towards Mr. Force.

Drag racing needs controversial, outspoken characters, but the problem usually comes from those fans who are so conservative that they feel no driver should ever make even slightly negative comments about another. Maybe those folks feel that everything about drag racing should always be “good.” Well, it’s not. In the real world there are both good and “bad” people, those who are willing to speak out and those who aren’t for various reasons.

One reason some drivers are reluctant to ever say anything that anyone might consider controversial is that they’re afraid of how their sponsors might react.

Another is that NHRA has historically shown little patience with outspoken drivers. The list of those fined for having spoken their minds is fairly long.

In my opinion a driver should be able to say anything short of an outright threat to a racing official, fellow competitor, sponsor or fan without fear of being fined for doing so.

NHRA will admit that all the finish line joking, smiling and hugging isn’t doing much to improve ratings or elevate one driver’s popularity over another’s, yet whenever anyone says anything controversial they’re often censored for having done so.

Drivers often react in the moment, which was the case with Bazemore in Denver.

Had the TV cameras caught that it would have spiced up the telecast and this board would have been alive with commentary for days afterwards. Instead it was just another cookie-cutter broadcast.

Imagine your reaction if you were watching the TV show, and just before the final round of Funny Car, in one of those little mini-interviews, one driver said when asked about his chances, “I’m gonna kick that guy’s ass ‘cause he’s a jerk. He burned me down in qualifying, and I’m sick of hearing his name.”

Think you’d watch?

Think you’d post something here afterwards, regardless of who won?

Think people would be talking about it two weeks later?

Is ANYONE other than the participants still talking about the finals at Denver? And please, I mean no disrespect towards anyone by that, I’m merely making a point.

Mr. Dunlap is absolutely correct when he writes “What’s ironic is people defending Whit for being ‘outspoken’ WHILE finding ways to attack anyone who is ‘outspoken’ in disagreeing with his words or actions.”

Simply put, you can’t have it both ways.

But, I disagree with Mr. Dunlap’s later post in which he suggest that “I don’t recall anyone ever attacking Whit ‘for’ being ‘honest’ about anything.” Over the years I’ve heard from dozens of fans who have attacked Whit for that very reason – his willingness to speak out.

Like it or not there is a faction of fans who believe that no driver should ever speak out on anything controversial. They should always agree with new rules, never question NHRA’s leadership, go along with something like a new points system without voicing questions, things like that.

I know there are people on this board who decry references to NASCAR, but it’s relevant on this subject once again. NASCAR literally exploded into the national consciousness because of the fight that took place trackside at the Daytona 500 back in the 70s (hope I have the decade right!). NASCAR generates headlines when a Tony Stewart throws his helmet at a Kurt Bush. The IRL generates headlines when Tony Kanaan has a confrontation with Sam Hornish’s father in the pits.

Like it or not controversy works. Anyone remember the Pro Stock burndown at Denver a few years go between WJ and Dave Connolly. Anything truly memorable about this year’s finale?

Do you realize that in an effort to generate buzz NHRA officials have, on more than one occasion, strongly urged Pro Stock racers to stage fake burndowns? Yeah, they all refused, so when you do see one you can count on it’s being “real,” but that’s not the point. The point is that even the organization was seeking controversy to enhance the popularity of and interest in Pro Stock.

Jon Asher
Larry Morgan speaks his mind all the time, do you see people on here bitching about him? No, everyone thinks he's right more often than not.

Shirley Muldowney has always been the same way and you dont see people on here griping about her eiter do you? No.

Jim Head's always outspoken as well. Never seen a post about him on here either being a jerk.

Why? Like Ron and others have said we dont have a problem with someone being outspoken and always saying whats on there mind. I think PC sucks. i think you should say what you want however you mean it. However, Whit comes off as a pompous jackass almost everytime he opens his mouth. Its not "because" he said something, its "how" he said it or "what" he said.

To be completely honest I enjoy watching Whit race. It actually makes it more interesting for me b/c I'm always pulling for whoever he is racing against. I'll be the first one to tell you I cant stand the guy. I have actually talked to him twice at national events and he seemed like a decent guy. I know what he did last year for Hip as well and how Rob G said he was there for him after DR died. Good guy. But those 3 or 4 times a year he opens his mouth or does something stupid like swearving at people/cars on the top end is just retarded and erases most anything positive anyone had thought decent about the guy.

When you do what Whit does, for a living, only then could you be qualified to judge his character.


I guess until I'm a convicted serial killer I can't judge Jeffrey Dahmer's character.

What a load.

Anyone want to come by for some fava beans and a nice chianti?
To be completely honest I enjoy watching Whit race. It actually makes it more interesting for me b/c I'm always pulling for whoever he is racing against. .

In a nutshell, this is why Whit being outspoken is good for drag racing.
He says whats on his mind. OFTEN. Sometimes it is regards to a true problem, sometimes it is simply that he is pissed because he lost or whatever. Agree with what he says or disagree with what he not criticize him for being outspokenl He is one of the most interesting individuals in Drag Racing:cool:
Outspoken is fine, telling like it is is fine, so is being non PC. Blaming others because you lost is not.

Whit's "problem" is not because of his emotions or that he kicks his car. It is because he is always blaming others, which would be fine if a crew member left the rev limiter on. Sometimes you just loose, ask Doug Kalitta (see 2006 finals).You didn't hear Greg Anderson blaming Erica Enders for his recent foul. He was mad, real mad spoke his mind and argued what he thought was the rule and was shown he was wrong.

If Whit complains about the track prep, tires, timing issues or someone cheating etc. then give'm hell Whit! But what he seems to do is go up in smoke behind another car that just made the first 3 second pass in history and blame the track prep for the loss. When he blames someone else is when the complaints from the fans and others start.

To me Whit has always come across on TV as thinking he is superior both mentally and physically to the other drivers and he should be winning because of it. I'm sure he does not really think that and it is just the way he comes across or is made to look by the producers of the show. After all he and Mike Dunn are friends and Mike can't be that bad of a judge of character.
Note- Coffee out the nose burns... :D
Thanks Jim :)

In the future I will try to make posts like this later in the day so at least it won't be hot coffee.

Now get back to sanding... or is it painting this week?

By the way are you still going to be done in two weeks?
Your point is well taken. I still stand by my post though. There are only three things people are still talking about since the Denver race. Tolliver's body being destroyed, Whit's comments, and...............OK only two things:)

Hopefully you see my point isn't that I agree with everything that comes out of his mouth............
In the future I will try to make posts like this later in the day so at least it won't be hot coffee.

Now get back to sanding... or is it painting this week?

By the way are you still going to be done in two weeks?

Just so I have this last Whit thing understood....

Whit did not make the comment for the public, he was only talking to the team PR guy off the record...

Whit does not play well with others.... so flippin' what, neither do I.

But back to your question about the Boss, Jim....
We're dealing with a great work of ART here... and no matter what, creative works are never finished to the satisfaction of the Artist involved... Therefore, I truly believe, that said work shall never be finished, or we can all go Ice Skating in China Lake before it is.... Need more Pictures Boss.... should I send 'My' Mummy over to help sand?:D
Regarding Ron Dunlap’s comment, I fail to see how what I wrote in any way attacks Mr. Bazemore. At no point in that article did I attack him for anything he’s said in the past, but rather defended him for having said those things.

At what point has anyone accused you of attacking Mr. Bazemore? Where did THAT come from?

Drag racing needs controversial, outspoken characters, but the problem usually comes from those fans who are so conservative that they feel no driver should ever make even slightly negative comments about another.

Are some of us talking in a vacuume? Now some fans are "so conservative", etc, etc? How many different ways are there to attack those who SIMPLY DISAGREE WITH SOME THINGS WHIT BAZEMORE HAS SAID AND DONE??? Just defend those people the same way you defend Whit. What's with the $*&#@!!!! bias? Do you not see your own irony?

But, I disagree with Mr. Dunlap’s later post in which he suggest that “I don’t recall anyone ever attacking Whit ‘for’ being ‘honest’ about anything.” Over the years I’ve heard from dozens of fans who have attacked Whit for that very reason – his willingness to speak out.

I've NEVER heard anyone say he shouldn't speak out about anything. I've heard a lot of people disagree with WHAT he's spoken out about. Never THAT he spoke out.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Whether your "bashing" or just being "outspoken" seems to depend on who you are. If you're outspoken in disagreeing with things Whit has said and done in the past, why, we have to say what it is that's wrong with you instead of just respecting your opinion.
Dittos on Roger. Was just thinking about the truck driver the other day.

Concerning this thread, I just don't know how anyone can criticize something while doing exactly what they're criticizing.
At what point has anyone accused you of attacking Mr. Bazemore? Where did THAT come from?

Are some of us talking in a vacuume? Now some fans are "so conservative", etc, etc? How many different ways are there to attack those who SIMPLY DISAGREE WITH SOME THINGS WHIT BAZEMORE HAS SAID AND DONE??? Just defend those people the same way you defend Whit. What's with the $*&#@!!!! bias? Do you not see your own irony?

I've NEVER heard anyone say he shouldn't speak out about anything. I've heard a lot of people disagree with WHAT he's spoken out about. Never THAT he spoke out.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Whether your "bashing" or just being "outspoken" seems to depend on who you are. If you're outspoken in disagreeing with things Whit has said and done in the past, why, we have to say what it is that's wrong with you instead of just respecting your opinion.

Relax guy. We all know you have a man crush on Whit:)
Wow. As David said above, how would what you do for a living determine your CHARACTER? I've simply said that the people who have disagreed with some things that Whit has said and done in the past are somehow open season to have their OWN characters judged. Again, as Doug still doesn't seem to be able to comprehend, it's not THAT Whit has said what he's said and done what he's done. It's WHAT he's said and done.

Like I said, have your Whit love-fest threads all you want. If you attack the people who have disagreed with him by making things up about their character, then prepare to be attacked. You might want to do a little better than "Some people just don't like the truth." That's ridiculous.

Go ahead and attack if you feel the need. I was just saying that, how can you judge someone until you have walked in their shoes? He told the truth about what he did and said, and you still find fault with him. Yes, he has an attitude and it doesn't always come out in the right way, but he's admitted to that too! So go ahead and attack me now! If it makes you happy! The way you state your opinions on here are not any different than what Whit tries to do!

I'm not bashing anyone just stating that Whit is outspoken more so than most and he is labled "the bad boy of drag racing" for voicing his views.
I wonder where we as a nation would be if our forefathers didn't voice their opnions?

well I just spent a week touring DC and Mount Vernon.

I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment. I often wonder if we'd have the fortitude to do what was done in 1776. I think we've got it too easy to be honest with you. As long as we're sitting here in front of these keyboards it's a bit hard to understand why Whit or anyone else might actually have a good reason to be pissed off. I mean seriously what do most of us have to be pissed off about? Anyone here got 8000 hp about ready to blow up right behind their ears? naw didn't think so.
Seems to me that we only hear Twit being outspoken when he loses.....did he REALLY think Rod was trying to screw him on the line? Honestly....if he had won, would he have still "been outspoken?".....just curious....
Go ahead and attack if you feel the need. I was just saying that, how can you judge someone until you have walked in their shoes? He told the truth about what he did and said, and you still find fault with him. Yes, he has an attitude and it doesn't always come out in the right way, but he's admitted to that too! So go ahead and attack me now! If it makes you happy! The way you state your opinions on here are not any different than what Whit tries to do!


Geez. All I'm saying is that the people who have disagreed with some things that Whit has said and done in the past are personally attacked instead of just disagreed with. We're as entitled to our opinions and being able to be outspoken about them as Whit or anyone else is theirs. Just like I asked Jon, why won't you defend them like you do Whit? Look at your own last sentence here.

But, you and others are silent when people say we're just envious, we just don't like the truth, we say what we do about Whit because we're too conservative. I guess now I have to figure out which "Whit hate group" I'm in, because the first thing I do when I get up every morning is figure out how I'm going to hate Whit today. Little vast conservative conspiracy we've got going on. Be a fan of Whit all you want, but don't make up things about the people who disagree with what he's said and done. If you want to attack their opinion, do it all you want. But, leave the people alone. Should I be surprised that Jon's a journalist and he does this? He even continued to do it in his rebuttle to me. If you can't defend what Whit says WITHOUT having to fabricate things to discredit the people who've disagreed with him, what does that say about YOUR lack of substance?

You said we can't make judgements about Whit's CHARACTER until we're doing what he does for a living. Do you even realize what you're saying?
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