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IMO there is no way to go back to 1/4 racing without costing a lot. Some of you have said reduce the rear wing. Compared to just 5 years ago they are using no rear wing, and they are going way faster. Others have mentioned Dom Lagana running a 1/4 mile (i was with Del in Qatar where he ran a 1/4 mile in his FC earlier this year). You can do it, but realize a 3.70 run is about the same as a 4.28 1/4 mle run! While Dom's 4.48 338 sounds impressive (and it was) it's still a 1-2/10th's slower than what some of the top qualifiers would be on an average to good track. Some have mentioned limiting blower over drive. When you do that, then you will get like Pro Mod where a trick blower is 35k plus. They are already around 25k and you will be stripping that thing between rounds. You can limit nitro % but then you just run more fuel volume. You can limit fuel volume and then you just run max %. You can limit both and then just run more compression, it just goes on and on. Then if you want to run let's say 335mph max in the 1/4, then depending on what you do, there will be no "top end" charge cause they will be maxxed out on rev limiter by 1/2 track. If you want to see 1/4 mile racing, over 90% nitro, cool bodies, long burnouts etc, just go to a NHRA Heritage Series Nostalgia TF and FC race! (problem solved lol) BTW, I think the racing currently is as close as I have ever seen. Drivers make a bigger difference in the outcome and you have more independents coming out and actually winning a round here and there. Now if we could just get the TV show to give the independents more time, they might be able to get more sponsors!