To say it another way, someone find a track, a non-nat. event date, and enough $$ to attract some teams to
run hard to a 1/4 on a very well prepped surface.
I hope that never happens. Some of those teams have cars capable of a 350mph pass and that's just asking for trouble with current tire technology plus even at tracks with long runoffs, 350 takes a looooooong way to come down from. 338 isn't 350.
Tradition is the ONLY reason to return fuel cars to 1320 feet. Some teams might consider it but most say hell no. The fans are fine with 1000 feet and they pay the bills. Myself, I'd rather see the intense acceleration to 1000 feet, courtesy of 11,000hp, than a slower-accelerating 1320' pass from a car that's been neutered about 4000 horsepower just to keep the speed down. If you're attending the race live, unless you sit in the finish-line stands you really can't see what's going on from 1000 feet on in the first place.
Only 1 reason to return - probably 50 to leave things as they are. Leave it alone. For those who say "I'll never return until...." blah, blah. There's always NASCAR or some stick-and-ball sport. Go watch one of those.