Hi to all; this is my first post although i have been "mater" for a while. I live in Canada (where it is still cold) and really remember going to Norwalk a few years ago.It was packed and at the end of the night as we all left the event .......there was Bill Bader and his son at each exit leaning in the window of each vehicle as they left asking "how was it?..did you enjoy yourself today?".......I've been to a lot of races ; but, i"ll never forget that. Thanks,bob
It sounds like Bill Bader and his son created a raving fan out of you. Check this out:
A number of years ago, Sheldon Bowles wrote a book called “Raving Fans” – he argued that to keep your customers today, you couldn’t be content just to satisfy them; you have to create “raving fans” – These are customers who are so excited about the way you treat them that they want to tell stories about you.
They become a part of your sales team.
Why is it that on these boards, everyone loves, loves, LOVES Norwalk? It's because of Bill Bader and his son. I don't see any other track owners mentioned around here (except for Bruton Smith) in love as much as I see it with the Bader's. They have created RAVING FANS.
The Bader's have a sales team. It's you. It's me. It's every fan that gets that ice cream (I know many of you can't wait), and it's every fan like Bob wrote about above...who will never forget an experience like THAT.
Those are the types of things that the NHRA needs to do. Something on that large of a scale...it can be done. I will shut up after one final story:
When the new San Diego Padres Stadium (Petco Park) was built, the managers wanted the fans to have a very special experience in it. Every night, every employee – whether they were in food service, maintenance, security, or what have you – was expected to focus his/her energies on creating good fan memories. As part of the training, a short video was made, telling the story of Johnny the Bagger. The video was ended by saying this, “are you going to be a Johnny tonight? This video was shown to everyone, full time or part time, no matter where they were.
Before the gates opened, everyone would be asking one another, “Are you going to be a Johnny tonight?” The first summer that Petco Park was in business, they got 7500
unsolicited notes and letters from fans telling stories how they had been blown away by the service they had received from someone in the park.
For example, a woman brought her little baby to the game one night and ran out of milk. She went to one of the concession stands and asked for some milk. A young man behind the counter said, “we don’t sell milk here, but I know where I can get it. What’s your seat number?” This young man got someone to cover his station, while he raced outside of the ballpark and down the street to the 7-11. He bought milk, came back and heated it up and took it to the waiting mother. She couldn’t believe it. Neither will you after you read the Johnny story and see how you and everyone in your organization can make a difference in your customers lives. The memories you create will keep people coming back and bringing their friends for years to come.
Petco Park created raving fans. Bill Bader creates raving fans. The NHRA needs to start creating raving fans. If they do that, they'll be in amazing shape.