I think the 0 to face pop is was made it worse. You get out of the car all riled up and yelling at each other, then it comes to pushes then punches, well that makes some sense.
But when you go from mildly upset to looking like it's done to a sudden cheap shot face slap, well that's just a punk A&& B!U#$ move. Won't even touch the fist up backing up as fast as you can wanna be tough guy. It's a good thing Steve's crew guy was there to push Steve into the truck. It's funny watching a guy trying to be tough get man handled. Also Cameron's comments about his neighbor the MMA guy was dumb as hell too.
I'm a trash talker too so normally Steve's antics don't bother me, even though it can be a bit annoying. But this just played into the spoiled rich kid looking down on the little people narrative that is out there about him. I didn't see any real apology. In the winners circle he actually looked contrite for a second and I thought oh maybe he does get and regret it as he acknowledged the boos. Then he pushed back with something along the lines boo all you want we'll be back next year...and lost any PR ground he could have made. Like someone above said, if you're gonna be the bad guy, go all in.
Based on past precedent the NHRA couldn't kick him or dock points. Maybe if it was closed fist, I could see it. A huge fine and warning that next time there would be more severe punishment would in line with recent past.
It doesn't really matter what Ferre said to him or eye roll. Heck even if he called him a buckeye or a progressive that would be bad, but not worthy of cheap shotting the guy