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Unsportsmanlike conduct.

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I do know what was said on camera by Steve prior to the scuffle. If it was something like that who could blame Cameron? All he did was deep stage. What am I missing?

First off, I don't condone what Steve did - seemed rather b#tch a## reaction like to me. But, I don't think it was the action of deep staging against Steve that set him off - it was Cameron's eye roll, laughing it off (and as Eugene said what was said under breath) that triggered him. Based on previous NHRA rulings, (like Capps v Whit, Force v T Ped - and SO much more), I don't think a DQ is warranted. A fine - yes. Hell, if I were Glen, I'd consider a point penalty (which would actually send a pretty stern message as it would give the title to Doug Kalitta - but not sure they'd like to win that way honestly.)

Here is something I saw online posted by someone else that pretty much summed it up.

"If you thought that Ed McCulloch's "Don't be a victim" shirt of him beating the holy hell out of Flash Gordon Mineo in the pits was "cool" - and have an issue with Steve Torrence pushing Cameron Ferre in the face was egregious - perhaps you should rethink your opinion of things."
Good lord, Ray Charles could have seen it was nowhere near 7 seconds.

I didn’t see anything wrong with what happened on the starting line. Not even close.

I'm not taking Torrence' side; I suggested a possible reason, not an excuse. And you couldn't really tell from the camera angle I saw. I suggested a reason, not an excuse and if y'all say 2 seconds, then 2 seconds.. Doesn't matter; 2 or 7, Ferre was totally within his rights. I'd still like to know what he said to Torrence...punk or otherwise, I can't imagine Torrence walking up and shaking a man's hand while preparing to smack him in the face. If he did, he's an even bigger chickenshit than I give him credit for.
Yeah too bad it wasn‘t Matt Hagan. They would be planning a funeral. Lol

Hagan probably wouldn't have been laughing at the time, either. Hed have been a lot more professional about the entire thing. I'd put money on it. So neither would have been in the position for it to happen because Hagan wouldn't have responded like Ferre did and aggravate the situation even more. Even if he did, everbody knows Steve wouldn't have done that to Hagan.

But everybody also knows Matt wouldn't have responded like Cameron did. He's a professional.
Will be interesting to see what type of reception Steve will get at the awards ceremony tonight when he's introduced as the world champ.
Wow, that was my exact thought last night when I started reading this thread. I sent the video to my brother and his response "He would have done that to Brittany at that moment".
I think the 0 to face pop is was made it worse. You get out of the car all riled up and yelling at each other, then it comes to pushes then punches, well that makes some sense.
But when you go from mildly upset to looking like it's done to a sudden cheap shot face slap, well that's just a punk A&& B!U#$ move. Won't even touch the fist up backing up as fast as you can wanna be tough guy. It's a good thing Steve's crew guy was there to push Steve into the truck. It's funny watching a guy trying to be tough get man handled. Also Cameron's comments about his neighbor the MMA guy was dumb as hell too.

I'm a trash talker too so normally Steve's antics don't bother me, even though it can be a bit annoying. But this just played into the spoiled rich kid looking down on the little people narrative that is out there about him. I didn't see any real apology. In the winners circle he actually looked contrite for a second and I thought oh maybe he does get and regret it as he acknowledged the boos. Then he pushed back with something along the lines boo all you want we'll be back next year...and lost any PR ground he could have made. Like someone above said, if you're gonna be the bad guy, go all in.

Based on past precedent the NHRA couldn't kick him or dock points. Maybe if it was closed fist, I could see it. A huge fine and warning that next time there would be more severe punishment would in line with recent past.

It doesn't really matter what Ferre said to him or eye roll. Heck even if he called him a buckeye or a progressive that would be bad, but not worthy of cheap shotting the guy :)
It doesn’t matter what Ferre said. Torrence was pissed in the interview, went over to Ferre most likely saying something that isn’t fit for TV. What is Ferre supposed to do? Put his tail between his leagues and run off? If you did nothing wrong and another racer comes over angry shaking your hand and talking shit, I’m going to respond the way Ferre did. Still doesn’t give the right to Torrence to do what he did. I was cheering for Torrence to win the championship prior to the incident but was cheering for Brittany round 2.
Yeah too bad it wasn‘t Matt Hagan. They would be planning a funeral. Lol
Oh for God's sake, Matt would pulverize him like Beetle Bailey. The whole Capco team couldn't stop it. It would take a bulldozer. Matt is a level headed guy though and I've always respected him, but a shove on the face, nobody likes.
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