I did think about that after I posted it. But, that's even better. Just boot the whole bunch of thugs out for 1/2 dozen races or so.That's kind of hard to do considering that Capco is Steve and Billy's company.
I did think about that after I posted it. But, that's even better. Just boot the whole bunch of thugs out for 1/2 dozen races or so.That's kind of hard to do considering that Capco is Steve and Billy's company.
I did think about that after I posted it. But, that's even better. Just boot the whole bunch of thugs out for 1/2 dozen races or so.
..."A nobody wannabe" pretty much says it all, surely your kidding. He did a physical assault, words are not a reason to do that
Sir...I never said steve and I are friends...I said i know and respect him and his family...steve would tell you we are not friends and i wouldnt disagree.. but the Torrences are great people , and each one of them, in my experience...are good hard working people...ive seen how hard billy, ms kay, and steve work first hand..at CAPCO all day everyday...all the vignettes and stuff are true...steve is the last person to "sucker punch" anyone...he doesnt have to...hes a tough sob...i dont know cameron whatesoever but i can tell you, id bet my last dollar that that kid said something...put it another way...he is a nobody wannabe and he should have done the right thing and said im sorry, but clearly he didnt, so here we are...steve is the fair and square champ, and if you think he's a "spoiled brat" i'll bet you 1k you cant walk 500 ft in his work boots on a tuesday battling east texas muck and water moccasins to make a living...just sayin"A nobody wannabe" pretty much says it all, surely your kidding. He did a physical assault, words are not a reason to do that period, I'm sure your his friend but he acted like a spoiled brat and nothing is going to change that.
That is funny. For the final few seasons of Tony’s driving career he was In that position and not once did he step aside and let the other guy win.Did anyone catch what Tony P. said about this? Something like Cameron being in the other lane was like the slower car in a road race so he should just get out of the way. Really? Someone dares to try to win the round against the entitled Steve? Tony has some strange ideas. That’s not a part of professional courtesy.
I didn't say anything negative about his family or crew, they are first class, but your comment about "a nobody wanna be" probably says more about you, but Steve probably felt the same way, a lowlife talking to him in a manner he didn't like, how dare he. As far as their work and it's difficulty, they get paid plenty, and for the record I've worked in some pretty hard environments, not an office. Nuff said!
Well what was said then?I'm a little surprised no one is curious what Cameron said to him.![]()
I do know what was said on camera by Steve prior to the scuffle. If it was something like that who could blame Cameron? All he did was deep stage. What am I missing?I'm a little surprised no one is curious what Cameron said to him.![]()
He was prob TOLD to apologize, guess nobody knows what cam said then??? or maybe?It looked to me that Steve & Cameron were shaking hands, then Cameron had his hands apart, like what is the problem? But no one heard what Cameron said, which must have ticked Steve off & caused Steve to push Cameron in the face. I do not condone what Steve did, altho I realize this was "the heat of the battle" and things are said / done that shouldn't be. Steve did apologize publicly, on the air. Later in the program, Steve was shown in Cameron's pit, apologizing to Cameron, and they shook hands. I do agree that Steve has a lot of fence mending to do. But I will say that this is not the first time and incident like this has happened, nor will it be the last.
I'm as curious as you are so if you hear anything concrete let me know. But it must have been something strong enough to piss him off to the extent he shoved Cameron on national tv.Well what was said then?