Today's Schumacher Massey Press Conference (2 Viewers)

Interesting. The most uncomfortable press conference I've ever seen.

Who knows what really happened. Furthermore, who cares?
Susan Wade 'went there' when the rest of the room wouldn't. She asked the tough questions we were all wondering about. Good job Susan! While Don doesn't necessarily owe anyone an explanation, especially when its his company on the side of that ride now, enquiring minds will always want to know....seems fair? I find Spencer almost 'robotic'.....can't warm to him at all, but he sure can drive.
Really enjoyed listening to the burnouts in the background!
Can we have more of that? Its getting me thru the day!
Susan Wade 'went there' when the rest of the room wouldn't. She asked the tough questions we were all wondering about. Good job Susan! While Don doesn't necessarily owe anyone an explanation, especially when its his company on the side of that ride now, enquiring minds will always want to know....seems fair? I find Spencer almost 'robotic'.....can't warm to him at all, but he sure can drive.

Yeah, she went "there", great job looking like a reporter from the National Inquire. She was trying to bait Don and Spencer into saying something inconsistent in order to justify her story about Spencer buying the seat back. Unless you are a Forensic Accountant, good luck finding a credible source to justify a story to contradict Don's story.
I have no problem, Susan (or any member of the press) asking questions. There ought to be more willing to do it.

Frankly, they've left some "dangling" issues that they really need to clarify. Absent an affirmative statement with some detail as to exactly what was said to whom, the rumors will continue to fly. I mean, I'm as naïve (and supportive of DSR) as the next one but, I don't believe the simple "carrying of a six pack to the party" was a firing offense. Maybe, accompanied by an angry verbal exchange - Yes but, not on its' own.

Sounds like they were denying any racially charged remarks but, if Spencer - under the influence - "Mother-blasted" somebody on the other team or something like that, the firing might be believable.

I'm afraid "negative" stuff will continue to fill the vacuum.

Yeah, she went "there", great job looking like a reporter from the National Inquire. She was trying to bait Don and Spencer into saying something inconsistent in order to justify her story about Spencer buying the seat back. Unless you are a Forensic Accountant, good luck finding a credible source to justify a story to contradict Don's story.
Yeah, she went "there", great job looking like a reporter from the National Inquire. She was trying to bait Don and Spencer into saying something inconsistent in order to justify her story about Spencer buying the seat back. Unless you are a Forensic Accountant, good luck finding a credible source to justify a story to contradict Don's story.

Yeah, she went "there", great job looking like a reporter from the National Inquire. She was trying to bait Don and Spencer into saying something inconsistent in order to justify her story about Spencer buying the seat back. Unless you are a Forensic Accountant, good luck finding a credible source to justify a story to contradict Don's story.
It's not like she put a gun to their head and forced them to go to a presser and answer questions. They could have stayed in their hospitality area back in the pits. Quit portraying them as victims.

It's really too bad TJjr is such a nice guy and a consummate professional. I sure would like to get his take on all of this, including whatever he knows for fact that went down from the banquet, to Massey's firing, to his rehiring, to him getting the shaft in the whole deal.
In this age of hiring drivers who appeal to everyone, who is Mr Shumacher working so hard to justify his re-hiring of a driver who is so broadly despised over TJ, a driver with huge appeal to race fans? Hey, either have the stones to say " It's my team and I'll do as I see fit" or quit trying to explain to to a group of people who don't like it.
In this age of hiring drivers who appeal to everyone, who is Mr Shumacher working so hard to justify his re-hiring of a driver who is so broadly despised over TJ, a driver with huge appeal to race fans? Hey, either have the stones to say " It's my team and I'll do as I see fit" or quit trying to explain to to a group of people who don't like it.
He can hire and fire whomever he chooses. Its just one more reason to root against him and each and every one of his teams, and never purchase his or his sponsors products, and do what I can do dissuade everyone I know to do the same.

But I think everyone can see right through the smoke he is blowing when he cuts Massey loose 2 days after the incident, claims he will fund the car himself if needed, and then hires Massey back 10 days before the opener as if Massey has had some sort of epiphany about bad drunken behavior in public.

My only wish that hasn't come true so far is that he will lose sponsors because of this.

The best thing TJ could have done was to leave that trainwreck when he did, and I have the utmost respect for him for doing so.
Geez, you folks need to get a grip.... :rolleyes:

There are a lot of other more important things to get excersized over than this.
Geez, you folks need to get a grip.... :rolleyes:

There are a lot of other more important things to get excersized over than this.

Right, but people don't like someone who lies and the fact that those two brought it to the limelight kinda makes it important to many of us. Spencer over TJ jr doesen't fly with me, as stated previously Spencer is a pompous ass spoiled brat, and that is the opinion of most. Just my 2 cents.
You forgot something- "Spencer is a pompous ass spoiled brat-that can cut a good light." when you're good at a sport, the indescertions that would sink you in real life are easily overlooked. :(
You forgot something- "Spencer is a pompous ass spoiled brat-that can cut a good light." when you're good at a sport, the indescertions that would sink you in real life are easily overlooked. :(
I am not sure if you know this or not, but TJjr was consistently one of the best at cutting lights during his career in both a TF and FC car.

Evidently his negative point to DSR is he doesn't get drunk and act the fool at black tie events.
The texan driver didnt call anyone names at the banquet and the texan cyclist didn't take drugs to win the tour de France . I heard his cooler was a castrol cooler that's what really pissed the don off
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