This whole deal is the biggest PR crock of BS in the history of drag racing. I think it is a safe bet that Don S’s and every racer from the late 60’s though the late 80’s nightly war stories would make anything Spencer did or will every do elementary in the scope of professional behavior. I can’t believe this story is such a big deal and the PR spin put on it. It is comical that SM talked about taking anger management classes, what a joke. The guy drank too much at a party and (allegedly) spouted off when someone called him out. Who hasn’t done this? “Looking like Kurt Johnson”, what does that even mean? Would this have been a story if the roles were reversed and Antron said “F-you (insert any word you want to here)”? Not to mention it is total BS that SM is the only representative of the 3rd place TF team at the banquet, you would think DSR would require the whole team to attend.