Nitro Member
Today just sucks. period.
We've been treating Casey, our 12 yo mixed poodle for what was originally thought to be a UTI, but it isn't, her urine culture didn't grow anything, antibiotics didn't help, x-ray, CBCs all fairly normal but she has blood in her urine, she's straining to pee and she goes at least every 2 hours.
Next thing to do is an ultrasound. She had one today. She spent the day with the Vet. We picked her up and the Doc comes in the room and spends a good 1/2 hr with us discussing our "options." He is near tears.
They finally found something..she has transitional cell carcinoma. A malignant tumor in her bladder. Surgery isn't an option...He wants to start her on a chemotherapy drug that may or may not help her. If we do nothing, she has probably 3 months. I'm sitting here in tears and don't know what to do.
I certainly will not let her suffer but it sucks so badly! She still plays with Eddie, our other dog, she eats well, drinks water and generally, other than peeing all the time, you wouldn't know she was sick. We got her medicine today. The local pharmacy had to formulate she will have to take Pepcid with it so it doesn't upset her stomach.
If it's not meant to be, I will look into having the vet come to our house. Casey always trembles when she is in the Vet's office and I don't want that to be the last thing she remembers.
I think the reason this is hitting me so hard is because Casey is "my" dog. From the day I found her at the pound, she has been my constant shadow, never leaving my side. She's sleeping on the couch right now...looking peaceful while I'm a mess. Thanks for listening.
We've been treating Casey, our 12 yo mixed poodle for what was originally thought to be a UTI, but it isn't, her urine culture didn't grow anything, antibiotics didn't help, x-ray, CBCs all fairly normal but she has blood in her urine, she's straining to pee and she goes at least every 2 hours.
Next thing to do is an ultrasound. She had one today. She spent the day with the Vet. We picked her up and the Doc comes in the room and spends a good 1/2 hr with us discussing our "options." He is near tears.
They finally found something..she has transitional cell carcinoma. A malignant tumor in her bladder. Surgery isn't an option...He wants to start her on a chemotherapy drug that may or may not help her. If we do nothing, she has probably 3 months. I'm sitting here in tears and don't know what to do.
I certainly will not let her suffer but it sucks so badly! She still plays with Eddie, our other dog, she eats well, drinks water and generally, other than peeing all the time, you wouldn't know she was sick. We got her medicine today. The local pharmacy had to formulate she will have to take Pepcid with it so it doesn't upset her stomach.
If it's not meant to be, I will look into having the vet come to our house. Casey always trembles when she is in the Vet's office and I don't want that to be the last thing she remembers.
I think the reason this is hitting me so hard is because Casey is "my" dog. From the day I found her at the pound, she has been my constant shadow, never leaving my side. She's sleeping on the couch right now...looking peaceful while I'm a mess. Thanks for listening.