I'm thinking of actually buying this item from this bottom feeder.
Hear me out.
I know that if you pay for an item using PayPal, it gives you the address in which to send payment. I would gladly spend $5 bucks to learn scumbuckets address. Then myself, Uncle Sal, Bruno and Guido could go pay a "visit", retrieve my $5 bucks and instill on this low-life a "little lesson" on respect of the dead......"Soprano Style" !!
Of course this lesson would be documented on DVD to be put on Ebay with ALL proceeds going to DRAW & RFC. Mater members get a free copy and documentation would be uploaded on You-Tube as a reminder to this type of opportunist scum on Ebay just how close this tight knit NHRA family base is
Dale, Uncle Sal, Bruno and Guido