Nitro Member
C'mon folks, don't go generalizing about the Nascar thing. That's just not right and its unseemly to suggest that being a Nascar fan has anything to do with it.
The real question is whether or not the photo is legal to be sold since it obviously occurred at an NHRA event. If the photog didn't acquire the proper licensing I'm certain the the NHRA legal dept. will be "ask" that he and any others with similar offerings remove their auctions.
Bingo. This is one instance where you want to attack the person, not something they're associated with.
Imagine if it were the other way around. A NASCAR driver passes and an "imadragracingfan" on ebay is selling pics, and someone on a NASCAR board is saying "There ya go. Typical drag racing fan."
I think we all know that the value of artwork, etc, is going to go up after someone passes. I don't know how you determine at what point in time it's appropriate but, agreeing with the rest of you, this is WAY too darned soon. Didn't a judge once say, concerning what's indecent, "I can't tell you what it is, but I can tell you when I see it!"?