Nitro Member
Dean - The sanctioning bodies understand that they cannot control what the participants spend. Look back at the econo classes for comp eliminator. The concept was to create affordable classes for the masses and it took less than a year for the costs to sky rocket.
NHRA tried to keep a lid on performance for the AA/FD's by implementing performance part rule changes, and each time the racers found a way to go faster, and in turn they spent more. So they have gone a different direction with the NFC's by just adding safety equipment.
The super classes have flourished because of the indexes which still allows a low buck participant a chance. The better funded teams have an advantage but every one has a chance. Not so in the rules/all out perfomance classes you mentioned.
All out numbers do not guarantee a good show or crowd satisfaction. There have been and are many groups that run slower than their brothern that put on crowd pleasing good shows and allow the track and participants to earn a fair return on their investments. If you can park your ego for awhile, it is very possible to run your car, enjoy the experience and make some money while doing it.
NHRA tried to keep a lid on performance for the AA/FD's by implementing performance part rule changes, and each time the racers found a way to go faster, and in turn they spent more. So they have gone a different direction with the NFC's by just adding safety equipment.
The super classes have flourished because of the indexes which still allows a low buck participant a chance. The better funded teams have an advantage but every one has a chance. Not so in the rules/all out perfomance classes you mentioned.
All out numbers do not guarantee a good show or crowd satisfaction. There have been and are many groups that run slower than their brothern that put on crowd pleasing good shows and allow the track and participants to earn a fair return on their investments. If you can park your ego for awhile, it is very possible to run your car, enjoy the experience and make some money while doing it.