There's nothing wrong with a performace based class. Just have a good rules package in place that will limit performance (and enforce them) and DON'T MESS WITH THE RULES once there made. Change in the rules is what costs BIG money.
I dont understand everyone wanting to change the rules now... The quickest ET in the class has only increased by .03 in the last 3 years if I am not mistaken (dont have all the results updated yet)... Seems to me that the other cars are finally getting a handle on it... Changing the rules now would be the stupidest thing NHRA could do... Start policing the rules they got would be my start...
Side note, there will NEVER be enough unity out there amoungst all the people running nostalgia nitro funny cars right now to make a true 32 nostalgia funny car show happen. Everyone is out from themselves and they don't want to listen to anyone who would try to unite them. Plus, $$$$ is the only thing that truely motivates the majority of them....Doing it for the love of it? Ya right.
What do you call a true 32 car show?... Seems to me there was one in March of this year...