Nitro Member
Politics or Religion?
They'll do it every time!
Exactly. Two places to avoid them is sites like this and bars!!!

Aaahhhhhh.... Racin' is among us now...
Politics or Religion?
They'll do it every time!
LOL, the private jet thing reminds me of Barbara Streisand taking one from the west coast to the east coast years ago so the media could then make a big deal about her riding her bicycle from her luxury hotel to an environmentalist function in Washington, D.C. Maybe if she'd riden the bicycle from coast to coast, or at least gotten on board a regular commercial plane like everyone else?
The Bush administration has agreed to provide House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with regular access to an Air Force passenger jet, but the two sides are negotiating whether she will get the big aircraft she wants and who she may take as passengers, according to congressional and administration sources.
A congressional source said that Rep. John P. Murtha, chairman of House Appropriations subcommittee on defense, which controls the Pentagon's spending, has telephoned administration officials to urge them to give the speaker what she wants.
The congressional source said Pentagon officials complained that Mr. Murtha, Pennsylvania Democrat, is accusing them of sexism for not immediately heeding her request.
Megan E. Grote, Mr. Murtha's press secretary, said, "Mr. Murtha absolutely never said anything about being 'sexist.' We have no further comment."
Meanwhile, Republican Conference Chairman Adam Putnam of Florida said Mrs. Pelosi's request represents "an arrogance of office that just defies common sense" and called it "a major deviation from the previous speaker."
Minority Whip Roy Blunt of Missouri called it a "flying Lincoln Bedroom," and Rep. Patrick T. McHenry, North Carolina Republican, labeled the speaker's plane "Pelosi One."
"This is a bullet point to a larger value -- Pelosi's abuse of power continues," Mr. McHenry said yesterday. "It began when the speaker denied minority rights to Republicans, continued with her 'TunaGate' scandal, and now she's exploiting America's armed forces and taxpayers for her own personal convenience."
"TunaGate" was a reference to Democrats exempting American Samoa from legislation to increase the minimum wage. Star-Kist Tuna, whose parent company Del Monte Corp. is based in Mrs. Pelosi's district, had lobbied against the wage increase.
An aide to Mrs. Pelosi, who is arguing she needs the jets for security reasons, yesterday referred questions to the Air Force, which is studying the California Democrat's request along with lawyers at the Pentagon and at the White House. "A lot of people are working this," an Air Force source said.
The congressional source said government lawyers are trying to reconcile Mrs. Pelosi's request with Defense Department policy and congressional travel rules.
The Washington Times first reported last week that Mrs. Pelosi's staff was pressing the administration for access to Air Force aircraft. Sources said the request went beyond what was offered to former House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, Illinois Republican.
Mr. Hastert used an Air Force commuter-type jet to travel to and from his district. Mr. Hastert gained the access for security reasons after the September 11, 2001, attacks. Previously, the House speaker, who is second in the line of succession to the presidency, used commercial flights for such trips.
Mrs. Pelosi wants a larger aircraft that can fly to her home district of San Francisco nonstop. She also wants to be able to ferry other members of the congressional delegation, family members and her staff.
The speaker's request is being handled by her chief counsel, Bernard Raimo, a veteran Democratic lawyer on Capitol Hill.
"Who she can take is being worked out, outside the Air Force," said Ed Gulick, an Air Force spokesman at the Pentagon.
He said the Air Force is studying what types of planes are available for long, cross-country flights. Currently, three planes assigned to the 89th Airlift Wing at Andrews Air Force Base can make such nonstop flights year-round -- the C-32, C-40B and C-37.
Such VIP planes are in high demand.
"She's effectively taking a bird out of the fleet," said a defense source. "It will most directly impact the House, because they're the heavy users of the large aircraft. Congress looks at that Andrews fleet as their Hertz rent-a-car."
The congressional source said the speaker's office requested an Air Force plane to take her to a weekend Democratic retreat in Williamsburg, but the Pentagon declined.
The source said Mr. Hastert on one occasion used an Air Force plane for such an event. The Air Force later determined it was a mistake, and such flights were not repeated.
The source said the Pentagon will likely give in to Mrs. Pelosi's requests for a large plane and travel entourage, given her and Mr. Murtha's power over defense spending.
Mr. Raimo argues that Mrs. Pelosi needs a military aircraft, as opposed to commercial flights, for security reasons.
The defense source, who asked not to be named, termed her request "carte blanche," saying she wanted a plane that could carry an entourage just like President Bush, who flies on Air Force One, and Vice President Dick Cheney, who also always flies on military planes.
.The number of politicians/actors/wealthy are less than 02% of the evryday world population.....if we focus on ourselves and educate the young that is what matters....not what a celebrity does...If we all gave a little effort it would'nt be a bad thing, would it?
Not a chance in hell!!Guys....I am out numbered here on this one here....but if G.Bush jr said there is global warming I am sure alot of you would jump on that bandwagon.....Be honest.....
BTW... Al Gore is the biggest hypocrit this country has ever seen.
Ted Kennedy Wants Windmills KilledTed Kennedy Wants Windmills Killed
Self-proclaimed alternative energy proponent Sen. Ted Kennedy has strongly opposed an environmentally friendly "wind farm” off the coast of Massachusetts – and now it appears Kennedy will have his way.
A proposal before Congress would limit the construction of wind turbines and most likely doom plans for the Cape Wind Project, the nation’s first offshore wind farm.
"This is a dire moment for us,” declared Mark Rodgers, a Cape Wind Associates spokesman, who said the proposal "would be totally fatal” for the project.
The Cape Wind Project would erect 130 windmills in Nantucket Sound and could provide three-fourths of the power needed by Cape Cod and nearby islands, which is now largely supplied by coal-fired plants.
But Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, has called for a ban on all wind turbines within 1.5 nautical miles of shipping and ferry lanes, The Washington Post reports.
Young cited research in Britain suggesting that the wind turbines’ huge blades could interfere with shipboard radar, and he singled out the Cape Wind site – close to sea routes between the Cape and the islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard – as especially unsafe.
Cape Wind officials call Young’s concerns a "pretext” for killing the project, according to the Post, and point out that in 2003 a contractor for the Army Corps of Engineers stated that the wind farm "is not expected to create negative impacts to navigational safety.”
But the project had a powerful enemy in Sen. Kennedy, who has voiced strong support for alternative energy projects – as long as they are not in his backyard.
In his book "Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy,” author Peter Schweizer first disclosed: "Senator Kennedy has introduced dozens of pieces of legislation over the years to encourage the development of solar, hydrogen, and wind as alternatives to oil and coal.”
Why, then, would Kennedy oppose the Cape Wind Project?
"The wind turbines would be built in Nantucket Sound, about six miles off the coast from the Kennedy compound in Hyannis,” Schweizer explains.
"The problem was not aesthetic; the Kennedys wouldn’t be able to actually see the turbines from their home. Instead Robert Kennedy Jr., who had been beating the drum for alternative sources of energy for more than a decade, complained that the project would be built in one of the family’s favorite sailing and yachting areas.”
Sen. Kennedy publicly called for further study of the project – but "privately, he tried to get the study canceled,” Schweizer writes.
The federal Minerals Management Service is expected to issue a final verdict on the project early next year.
Nathanael Greene, a senior policy analyst at the Natural Resources Defense Council, told the Post: "This is sort of backdoor politics at its worst, for the worst possible reasons.”
Guys....I am out numbered here on this one here....but if G.Bush jr said there is global warming I am sure alot of you would jump on that bandwagon.....Be honest.....
Ron...this whole piece started off w/ bashing off Al Gore...I vo.