So, who is going to Reading? (1 Viewer)

I'll be there Friday - Sunday.
And wouldn't you know it, the weather is looking pretty good. NHRA should announce they are moving this race every year! :rolleyes: (but still keep it in Sept)
we'll be there with the altered and Al's F/ED (not the F/D). I have to teach Thursday, so won't be there for the first two comp sessions that are going to be rained out on Thursday. Everyone, please stop by the comp pits and say hi.
This will be the first Reading race I have missed in 10 years. I hope everyone has fun this weekend. Of the ten years I attended, at least 7 of them had rain in the weekend. If it wasn't for the race being moved to August next year, I would plan on flying back next year ( I will spend my money going to another race in pleasant conditions). There's something in the atmosphere in Reading that draws you to the race. Possibly the bar on the spectator side of the track has something to do with it. I will have a heavy heart watching the race this year knowing I won't be there. Stay dry!!!
Well, after a dismal outing last week at E-town, and the possibility of some engine woes, I will be missing the Comp wars this year:( . All isn't lost though, I will be home working on the new bullet hoping to make Richmond.:D
I'll be there Saturday and Sunday, first time back since '03 and I can't wait!
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