Nitro Member
If there is one constant throughout all of racing, it is that people will spend whatever it takes to win/be competitive. Unfortunately, there is no way to put the genie back in the bottle. Look at NASCAR, every square inch of sheet metal is strictly regulated, yet teams are spending millions of dollars on wind-tunnel time, even though a car that has never been in a wind tunnel will fit the same body template as one that has been in a wind tunnel for hundreds of hours. Racing fuel is no different, and Snake is merely suggesting the owners be given some protection from themselves. True, there would be nothing stopping them from racing IHRA, and a team that has 4 cars will still be able to test 4 times as much as a team with 1 car, but there is still an intrinsic savings attached to not running the car as much as they would be otherwise. From Snake's point of view, Shoe is already testing 4 times as much as him anyway, so why not limit the number of test dates, so he doesn't get caught up in running a test team or really trying to get more runs in on a Monday test session or testing on off weekends to try and keep up with Shoe and Force. It's not level, but it is "more level" than the direction the owners are heading.