An outstanding Funny Car Driver...a great Personality...and one FUNNY DUDE when you got to talk to him!!! My 1st year working at the Mile High's, I was like a deer in the headlights. Kind of "STAR STRUCK"! Right before round 1, i was sitting on the wall in the right lane, and ol' Hoffman comes up and sits right next to me and just starts YAPPIN about how freakin hot it was. I really didn't know what to say, but every year since that 5 min chat, every time I saw him I'd say..."HEY AL HOT ENOUGH FOR YA?"...Funny thing is, he'd stop what he was doing, come over and shake my hand and say..."IT WAS "F#%KIN" hot that day man, wasn't it!" That's the image I'll always have of the guy! I was hoping that just once before he passed he'd come out of Retirement to match race JOHN FORCE!!! RIP AL!!! Look's like Eric has got somebody to race now. Rest in Peace Mr. Hoffman!