10 day forcasts are a Total guess! Wait till the 23rd if you want an accurate forcast!
See prior post. "I guess that's right unless you had reservations to fly out this Sunday. Some of us are trying to make travel decisions."
I either go on Sunday the 20th or stay home. Think I'll save the tickets for later in the season and avoid the extra days with my in-laws.
Joe I don't have your number anymore. If you "PM" it to me, I will give you a call when I come through.It's a Crapshoot any way to travel, I've been bit the Rainman more than I can count!
What ??? Contingency plan?? The plans at NHRA events have always been to deal with weather specific issues as they occur (if they occur). The only exception might be if dangerous weather conditions were anticipated and safety was a concern (Tornado outbreak, blizzard, wildfire, etc). Qualifying rounds are cancelled (lost) frequently. Whole days are scratched occassionally. These are either made up in the remainder of the weekend ... with Mondays (or longer) used as the contingency. Then there is always a reschedule to the next weekend (especially if there is an off weekend between events). If there is a schedule conflict at the facility, a compatible weekend is chosen. Always depends on how much racing actually gets done.It's looking sketchy. Does anyone know the contingency plans?
I either go on Sunday the 20th or stay home. Think I'll save the tickets for later in the season and avoid the extra days with my in-laws.
There is no city better to have a Rainout than Pomona, Peterson Museum, Long Beach Aquarium, Tons of places to go!!!
While I don't disagree with your sentiment, one could make an argument for Vegas.But rainouts there are quite a bit rarer...
It's looking sketchy. Does anyone know the contingency plans?