Pedregon to join NHRA Fox Broadcast Team (4 Viewers)

Many quotable lines from Terry.

I will just say, what I think happened was one of two things.

1) Mike Dunn was tired of traveling, and voluntarily hung up his spurs.
2) Mike Dunn wasn't tired, but also knows that he is the best part of the current broadcast, therefore, wanted a salary that reflected that fact.

My guess is it is the latter, and NHRA made a decision based on money, and more money to Mike means less money to them. We can debate the hilarity of a not-for-profit entity lining the pockets of leadership while the entity writhes in pain, seething as the last bit of life is squeezed out.

Won't someone save the NHRA from itself? Please?
Or how about number 3. Mike Dunn always called it like he saw it, and sometimes that reflected the NHRA in a bad light. They finally get the chance to dump him, and they do.
curious as to tony's partner in booth.....hope for good rapport.
IMO as mike dunn worked with marty reid (who i liked), then PP(tired); they finally paired him with D. Reiff and i have
enjoyed them, best duo since bob frey said will be sad to listen to these two together for last time in 2 weeks.

yes! ask fox if they can hire someone from their blonde farm :D
It is what it is. Seems like Tony has a lot of foes, but this is a competitive sport. I'm sure Mike Dunn had his fair share of foes when he raced. Comes with the territory. I always liked Mike, but couldn't stand the Yankees. LOL
Jesse, your comments are just "SPOT ON" and you are always right and an expert in all - ha ha ha ha!
I don't doubt that Tony has the knowledge to do the job. It's the personality and likeability factors that I wonder about. Who knows, maybe he'll develop an announcing character version of himself that will work.

While not a fan of getting rid of Dunn, I could at least understand what they were thinking it if they went A) younger b) prettier or C) more popular/known (Garlits for example) they did none of that here.
Hoping it works, fearing it will actually make me miss Page
Are you serious ???? This thread is getting like neighborhood kids playing in the back yard. "I don't like him so I am not gonna play here any more."

Really !! You are either a drag racing fan or you are not. The tiny voice of the Mater is not what the future of the sport hinges on. Get over yourselves, and if you are going away as a supportive fan ... do it quietly because no one really cares. Despite what Terry and John think in their post, NHRA was here before you and it will be here in some form long after you.

The choice of a color analyst on FS1 is not going to be the KOD for NHRA drag racing. Just STOP, please. You are all entitled to an opinion, but the whining is over the top.

On the surface you are right, the numbers here do not drive the sport but you also miss the bigger picture. I can also guarantee that NHRA does read what is here, it doesn't mean that they listen but they are aware. Not sure the NFL league office, MLB or any other such league checks into a few message boards to check the temperature of their sport.
I fully get chasing new markets, any business needs that. The problem is that you also must maintain your current customers. The NHL went through struggles several years ago when they tried to be something they weren't to gain new fans. It didn't work and it chased away long time fans so it failed on both fronts. Their numbers fell apart for several years. They made corrections and have improved since then.

NHRA keeps chasing new fans, which again, they need to do but they need to be careful about chasing away the old ones. A few years back I would go to 3-4 national events a year. Now it's only 1. I've replaced those NHRA events with other Drag Racing events. We see people on here all the time that say they no longer go. Have the moves NHRA made over the past few years gained enough new fans for the ones they are pushing out? TV ratings and fans in the stands numbers say no.
there is some humor here about a potential 'fox blonde' ......remembered this's clean and pretty damn funny.

One day a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead snuck into a farm.The farmer said to his wife, "I think I hear something outside." The girls heard the door open,and they all ran in different directions. The brunette ran into the cow pen. The redhead ran into the pig pen, and the blonde ran into the potato patch. The farmer went to the cow pen and said,"Is there anyone there?" The brunette said,"Mmmmmmmoooooo." Then he went over to the pig pen and the farmer said, "Is there anyone there?" and the redhead said, "Oink oink." Then he went over to the potato patch and said, "Is there anyone there?" and the blonde said, "Potatooooo."

what does this have to do with nhra, tony p., or fsn1?.....absolutely nothing :D
Yeah, I read it. Doesn't reveal anything other than Dunn being professional, and not dragging the laundry out.
Besides implying they are keeping some folks, but dropping Dunn tells me they really have no clue as to what they are actually broadcasting.
Yes folks, it's racing. Not race car drivers' "Cribs" ala MTV.

They proudly reveal why the new broadcast will be kryptonite for people who actually like race cars, and love to understand how they go so fast...

“We’re going to take the approach that we have people who are watching this who are going to be new and who don’t know all these drivers or don’t know a lot about them. We want to tell more personal stories about them. That’s one way we’re going to be able to go live and make up for the down time in between rounds,” he said.

okay. good luck with that. (that's for you fanboy bootlicker types..., see? I'm not bitching, I'm being supportive like you think I should be.)

Remind me if we ever meet that you're "that guy".

Jim, I am so glad you are okay with anything, and everything.
You're a much better person than the rest of us.
We'll try to get over ourselves.
We'll try not to believe the sport hinges on our tiny voice.
We'll do it quietly as to not disturb your wonderfulness.
You are so right, we are entitled to an opinion, but thankfully, you're here to let us know when we've overstepped that privilege.
Kevin ... my point is that NHRA and its broadcast will go on without the disapproval of the Mater community. Hell, I am a staunch NY Yankee fan and I have always despised the radio broadcast team with John Sterling (I mean they suck). However, when I am in the car and the game is on, I still tune into the Yankee radio play by play. Why ?? BECAUSE I AM A FAN !!!

It is as simple as this ... if you're a fan then you are a fan and outside noise should not be able to influence that. You're favorite driver(s) will still be there. You're favorite tracks still have races. The competition is still the best. Why would a TV announcer appointment be influential to all those other things?
We've seen him in the booth for brief stints. I like, admire, and respect Tony for many reasons. I really do. Buuuuut.....
I just don't think he's the right personality for the job. Gonna try to be fair tho and give him a chance.
I'm with you Paul; a little tentative as to whether Tony will be a fit, but willing to give him a chance. No matter what there needs to be a dynamic in the booth where there is one with experience and insight who we can learn from (like Dunn) and one who the newbies can relate to (like Rieff - who I've never learned a thing from that I didn't already know). Tony certainly has the experience and insight as to what's happening with the cars; and Rieff - if they keep him - has the driver drama (that I couldn't care less about) covered.
I don't doubt that Tony has the knowledge to do the job. It's the personality and likeability factors that I wonder about. Who knows, maybe he'll develop an announcing character version of himself that will work.

While not a fan of getting rid of Dunn, I could at least understand what they were thinking it if they went A) younger b) prettier or C) more popular/known (Garlits for example) they did none of that here.
Hoping it works, fearing it will actually make me miss Page
PJ sounds like you would qualify lol
if NHRA was looking to go with young, recognizable to the kids, play-by-play guys with some TV experience they would have done this:

Are you serious ???? This thread is getting like neighborhood kids playing in the back yard. "I don't like him so I am not gonna play here any more."

Really !! You are either a drag racing fan or you are not. The tiny voice of the Mater is not what the future of the sport hinges on. Get over yourselves, and if you are going away as a supportive fan ... do it quietly because no one really cares. Despite what Terry and John think in their post, NHRA was here before you and it will be here in some form long after you.

The choice of a color analyst on FS1 is not going to be the KOD for NHRA drag racing. Just STOP, please. You are all entitled to an opinion, but the whining is over the top.

Jim, you totally misunderstood and my post. You read into it what you wanted to read into it. I never said I was leaving NHRA, what I said in so many words was that I will continue to attend a few races and will check online for the winner but I will not watch the TV broadcast because of him. I also don't think much of many other TV programs and do not watch them either.
Hell, I am a staunch NY Yankee fan and I have always despised the radio broadcast team with John Sterling (I mean they suck). However, when I am in the car and the game is on, I still tune into the Yankee radio play by play. Why ?? BECAUSE I AM A FAN !!!

It's an A-Bomb from A-Rod LOL

Back on topic, wasn't Tony in the booth a few races ago when he went out early?

I actually like Tony better than Cruz, I will tune in no matter who's announcing... there is the mute button
I think it's a money issue, and they couldn't afford Dunn. A downgrade as it were, I just wonder how many people they interviewed for the job, because if Tony was the best, I don't think they did much looking. Only time will tell, we should know on the first outing.

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