Pedregon to join NHRA Fox Broadcast Team (3 Viewers)

Like I said if you think he is the right one, cheer him on.
Whether I think he is the right choice or not was not the reason for my statement....YOU stated that he has no TV experience at all and the very person you are moaning about didn't have any either when he started.
I have witnessed first hand as I'm sure others have Tony's ego, attitude, lack of fan appreciation, condescending attitude towards other drivers, crew members, owners, crew chiefs etc... N.H.R.A. and everyone else will know what they hired when he has one of his core melt downs on live TV. If this was someone's attempt to increase the diversity of the fan/viewer base this was the wrong way to do it. Good luck to Mike Dunn a true professional and world class gentlemen - he spoke his mind even if it was not what N.H.R.A. wanted to hear he always had my respect and always will.

It doesn't matter what you witnessed. There are too many known cases of sportscasters, announcers and color analyst who have huge egos and nobody likes them personally, but they are very good at their jobs.
Whether I think he is the right choice or not was not the reason for my statement....YOU stated that he has no TV experience at all and the very person you are moaning about didn't have any either when he started.
If your looking for an argument you've come to wrong place IMHO Tony P is not the right person for this Fans deserve much better. DONE
witness mike dunn 1st hand of being an ass to my crew chief Ronnie swearingen and my crew at a race years ago so he aint mr wonderful as comparing him to tony being arrogant dunn was an arrogant ass to us also they r both n the same boat
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If your looking for an argument you've come to wrong place IMHO Tony P is not the right person for this Fans deserve much better. DONE
This is not an argument, what you said was wrong. When it comes to prior TV experience, Pedregon and Dunn had the same amount of!

...and who gave you the permission to speak for Fans? don't speak for me.
This is not an argument, what you said was wrong. When it comes to prior TV experience, Pedregon and Dunn had the same amount of!

...and who gave you the permission to speak for Fans? don't speak for me.
I said I was done but you left me no choice. I was not wrong read the post I said Tony P has no TV experience 100% correct. I never said Mike Dunn had experience i agreed. As far as me speaking for you not a chance. It was an opinion and I have a right to my opinion. So keep the facts straight if you wish to comment on them.
Tony is one of the least liked racer in the Pro pits so his access to the teams and crews will take a lot of work on his part.
The decision to have him instead of Dunn was totally a NHRA decision, FOX has no input. With the new FOX contract NHRA does all the production and then gives it to FOX to show what NHRA has given them without any changes.
If this is the so called new "NHRA" that the new president has stated they have definitely started off on the wrong foot. If they continue to make bad decisions as they have in the past they are going to continue to go down hill. Just ask the Pro Stock contingent. They have been given 6 months to completely change their cars, motors, etc and test them all before the Winternationals. The changes are needed but should have been implemented over a longer period of time - but that's the way NHRA does business, always has, always will.
If there was another large association that was out there you would see a lot of the cars go that way.
FOX network does not have a stellar reputation on televising sports on time. But it shouldn't take much to be better than ESPN.
With all the changes I don't like I do hope it works out. I have been drag racing since the late 50's and would hate to see it go away.
I said I was done but you left me no choice. I was not wrong read the post I said Tony P has no TV experience 100% correct. I never said Mike Dunn had experience i agreed. As far as me speaking for you not a chance. It was an opinion and I have a right to my opinion. So keep the facts straight if you wish to comment on them.

You most certainly are entitled to your opinion, even if it's makes you sound silly and ignorant.

It's been pretty consistent though other forms of sports where a former player has been hired into a color analyst position with no prior experience whether it be radio or television. Some do well, some do ok, some fail, but that result is unknown until that person turns the mic on for an extended period of time. Hell, Jim Morrison sang with his back to the crowd for a period of time and that eventually worked out ok. Tony has some big shoes to fill, but we'll see what happens.

Tony Pedregon is qualified to be a color analyst, one could argue he has more qualifications than Mike Dunn when he received the same opportunity and it's apparent through past history it's good enough for NHRA and Fox Sports.
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You most certainly are entitled to your opinion, even if it's makes you sound silly and ignorant.

It's been pretty consistent though other forms of sports where a former player has been hired into a color analyst position with no prior experience whether it be radio or television. Some do well, some do ok, some fail, but that result is unknown until that person turns the mic on for an extended period of time. Hell, Jim Morrison sang with his back to the crowd for a period of time and that eventually worked out ok. Tony has some big shoes to fill, but we'll see what happens.

Tony Pedregon is qualified to be a color analyst, one could argue he has more qualifications than Mike Dunn when he received the same opportunity and it's apparent through past history it's good enough for NHRA and Fox Sports.
Silly and ignorant, really 90% of the people on this site and others must be too, * Idiot * read it its in the dictionary
I posted this on another thread but feel strongly enough to repeat it here. "I've encountered him on a few occassions and he's proven to be a complete ass in person both at the track and in a non race business setting. He's a bawl bag, very biased, ego maniac and very unapreciative of any oppertunity given him. There's a reason he failed to find sufficent funding to continue racing. He's proven to be terrible when interviwed and I see no reason to give him any additional chances. I'll check the results via the internet and/or attend my usual 2 to 4 races but I'll not spend one minute listening to him on the broadcast".
People crack me up. Everyone bitches & complains that things need to change. Then when something does change, they bitch & complain about it.

Honest. If you truly believe that when people say "we need change" what they mean is, "just change stuff, and see if it works better", you really don't think much of people that aren't you.

The assumption is that change is always made to the better. That's a terrible assumption. Change for the sake of change is what dufus' do when they know nothing.
Changing out an inferior part with a better part....that's what people do when they know what they are doing. Doing the opposite is also the domain of dufus'.

The decision to have him instead of Dunn was totally a NHRA decision, FOX has no input. With the new FOX contract NHRA does all the production and then gives it to FOX to show what NHRA has given them without any changes.
If this is the so called new "NHRA" that the new president has stated they have definitely started off on the wrong foot. If they continue to make bad decisions as they have in the past they are going to continue to go down hill. Just ask the Pro Stock contingent. They have been given 6 months to completely change their cars, motors, etc and test them all before the Winternationals. The changes are needed but should have been implemented over a longer period of time - but that's the way NHRA does business, always has, always will.
If there was another large association that was out there you would see a lot of the cars go that way.
FOX network does not have a stellar reputation on televising sports on time. But it shouldn't take much to be better than ESPN.
With all the changes I don't like I do hope it works out. I have been drag racing since the late 50's and would hate to see it go away.

Many quotable lines from Terry.

I will just say, what I think happened was one of two things.

1) Mike Dunn was tired of traveling, and voluntarily hung up his spurs.
2) Mike Dunn wasn't tired, but also knows that he is the best part of the current broadcast, therefore, wanted a salary that reflected that fact.

My guess is it is the latter, and NHRA made a decision based on money, and more money to Mike means less money to them. We can debate the hilarity of a not-for-profit entity lining the pockets of leadership while the entity writhes in pain, seething as the last bit of life is squeezed out.

Won't someone save the NHRA from itself? Please?
Well one thing is for sure.... probably not as many Force interviews

You're probably right about that but I never really sensed that Dunn was a big JF fan, either. Now that I type that I realize that's probably one thing I really like and respect about Dunn -- he seems to like all of the teams. No favs or dogs.
I posted this on another thread but feel strongly enough to repeat it here. "I've encountered him on a few occassions and he's proven to be a complete ass in person both at the track and in a non race business setting. He's a bawl bag, very biased, ego maniac and very unapreciative of any oppertunity given him. There's a reason he failed to find sufficent funding to continue racing. He's proven to be terrible when interviwed and I see no reason to give him any additional chances. I'll check the results via the internet and/or attend my usual 2 to 4 races but I'll not spend one minute listening to him on the broadcast".
Are you serious ???? This thread is getting like neighborhood kids playing in the back yard. "I don't like him so I am not gonna play here any more."

Really !! You are either a drag racing fan or you are not. The tiny voice of the Mater is not what the future of the sport hinges on. Get over yourselves, and if you are going away as a supportive fan ... do it quietly because no one really cares. Despite what Terry and John think in their post, NHRA was here before you and it will be here in some form long after you.

The choice of a color analyst on FS1 is not going to be the KOD for NHRA drag racing. Just STOP, please. You are all entitled to an opinion, but the whining is over the top.
neither 1 or 2.....

“I found out this week I will no longer be the on-air analyst for the NHRA after the conclusion of this season. The NHRA has decided to go in a different direction starting in 2016,” Dunn said in a prepared statement he sent to members of the media.

Yeah, I read it. Doesn't reveal anything other than Dunn being professional, and not dragging the laundry out.
Besides implying they are keeping some folks, but dropping Dunn tells me they really have no clue as to what they are actually broadcasting.
Yes folks, it's racing. Not race car drivers' "Cribs" ala MTV.

They proudly reveal why the new broadcast will be kryptonite for people who actually like race cars, and love to understand how they go so fast...

“We’re going to take the approach that we have people who are watching this who are going to be new and who don’t know all these drivers or don’t know a lot about them. We want to tell more personal stories about them. That’s one way we’re going to be able to go live and make up for the down time in between rounds,” he said.

okay. good luck with that. (that's for you fanboy bootlicker types..., see? I'm not bitching, I'm being supportive like you think I should be.)

So what, a majority of Americans voted for Obama, that doesn't mean they were right.

Remind me if we ever meet that you're "that guy".

Are you serious ???? This thread is getting like neighborhood kids playing in the back yard. "I don't like him so I am not gonna play here any more."

Really !! You are either a drag racing fan or you are not. The tiny voice of the Mater is not what the future of the sport hinges on. Get over yourselves, and if you are going away as a supportive fan ... do it quietly because no one really cares. Despite what Terry and John think in their post, NHRA was here before you and it will be here in some form long after you.

The choice of a color analyst on FS1 is not going to be the KOD for NHRA drag racing. Just STOP, please. You are all entitled to an opinion, but the whining is over the top.

Jim, I am so glad you are okay with anything, and everything.
You're a much better person than the rest of us.
We'll try to get over ourselves.
We'll try not to believe the sport hinges on our tiny voice.
We'll do it quietly as to not disturb your wonderfulness.
You are so right, we are entitled to an opinion, but thankfully, you're here to let us know when we've overstepped that privilege.
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