I'll be wearing a Black Pinboy's tee friday... mall at 2pm... right?
Me too, can't wait. Been looking forward to this since I found out nhra was coming back. I will be there saturday and sunday.
OK gang, we'll try again for some 'Mater meetings next weekend. I just couldn't bring myself to leave the dry warmth of the RV to walk around to the pits in the rain, but we'll be back next weekend looking for better weather.
Sound good to me. Maybe we'll get there without an hour and a half detour next time![]()
Welcome to reality.....
And would you believe this is my first National Event since OCIR '81...
Hey Kelly, which way do you come into the track from VB?
for asking about me ? NOT... Just kidding you man..I camped this past week-end in Grayson County ...no rain until 2:00 a.m Sunday ..I won't be at Richmond , the wife and kids will not allow that ..You guys have fun...Whats this about a bowling tourney, these guys know you're a pro ?![]()
Like Karl posted, 460. I saw on the noon news that Franklin was flooded again, so a detour up 58 is out of the question this weekend. It was looking kinda bad Sat. when we went thru there. It's a double-edged sword at this point. Guess we're gonna have to toss a coin. I64 to I95 may be the better bet this time. I just don't like the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel. It's always the same: "Let's all drive 90mph until we get to the tunnel, then panic, stop, and resume travelling at 25mph" Maybe VDOT should post those big white signs with black numbers, what are they called? This way everyone would know to drive at a constant speed of, oh, say 55mph or so. You would think highway engineers would be able to rate these highways and pass along such important safety information.![]()
Where were you for 25 yrs? In a time capsule? Most nitro fans can't give it up for that long. What brought you back, besides a somewhat closeby race in Virginia? I too used to live out West, and may have attended that 1981 race at OCIR you mentioned. I know I attended a couple races there, and the last time would have been around that timeframe. I guess they closed the track a few years after that. It was the ultimate place to go in its day!
Hey, Hammer, I was hoping that you would pop up at a 'Mater meeting with us!
Shhhhh about the bowling! I have to use every angle that I can to get a little advantage!![]()
David... whatcha doing talking to someone named Hammer? Yeah, I just might bring my weapons of hate and pin distruction next weekend... real wood or synthic? (is there a house left that has wood decks?)![]()
Does anyone know if 460 is open? I heard Tuesday that it was closed. I'll be dropping my nephew off in Great Bridge Friday morning and would rather avoid the HRBT. Thanks.
Does anyone know if 460 is open? I heard Tuesday that it was closed. I'll be dropping my nephew off in Great Bridge Friday morning and would rather avoid the HRBT. Thanks.