Nitro Member
ONE LAST THING!!Yeahhhhhhh...
I've warned people I've taken for the first time about the Friday night temp...but do they listen.....noooooooooooooooooooooo. They freeze to death while I slap on some pants and a sweatshirt.....
I'll be there Friday with my Dad (coming down from Oregon) and on Sunday with my Wife and Dad.
And think you will go back later and get it/them...
Unless you do 7 miles on a treadmill, or 8 hours of Cardio... Every single day!!
Those coats are going to stay in that Honda until you have the key in the hole, and are gravel scratching your frozen sack's outta that place... That goes for the ladies as well... I'd have to think "those" sacks look more like implant's around 6:30PM
Any bets on atleast the #, that will be on the run to the mountain bottoms in search of shelter...
Oh, and that's AFTER you have climbed to the top of Everest...
Sec: TOWR3, Row 6, seats on the aisle...
I know Bob has the better seats, been there...
I tried lower this time, usual WAS row 12 or 15, Sec. 2...
But I usually watch round one, and high tail it to my happy place... ssssssshhhhhh
Your jacket will be a female dog to lug around all day... But it makes a great seat cushion!!