Ok Here's the deal! (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
I got a PM from a friend telling me that I'm being crucified on another messageboard over my Eye Candy pics! I won't mention the board other than it was posted by cowards using names like Def Leppard and Dr. Rude. Saying I'm a Perv and have NO business doing such things! In all the races I've attended and posted pics with Eye Candy, Not ONE Person has ever PM'd me to say they were offended or this was out of line! For those cowards on other boards, this was a collection of Eye candy pics from 10 races! So now I ask if ANYBODY here feels that these pics are out of line or in bad taste. I need to know, I'm a big boy I can take it. If anything I post offends you tell me, I can take constructive comments. Joe
Absolutely no problems, Joe. The pictures are great and your captions always make my day, and I see nothing wrong with the subject matter--I can't believe those guys on the other board would go after you like that! Hang in there, we love ya, man!
Not a dang thing... The Eye Candy Pics are no different from me turning and watching a Lady at the Track.... and I've watched my wife and 'daughters' (Mouse and her friends) at the mall, you think guys are bad?

But yeah, you're a Perv Joe, Be Proud of it:eek::D


and keep the eye candy coming:)
Doesn't bother me one bit! And another thing.....you are well known for it. Everyone knows they will be in your pics. If they don't want to look at them they don't have to click your link. Plain and simple. :)
The pics are great Joe, no problems here. Just remember, these broads dress like that because they want people to look at their shoes:D:D.

Were the picture taken in public?

If the subjects weren't embarrassed to be seen in public they shouldn't be bothered by the pics.

Besides all the shots are in good taste, no hidden cameras in bathroom stalls etc. Just people who are in a public place with no expectation of privacy. Besides a lot of the subjects in the pictures are there for just that purpose, ie the Brut Girls. They aren't there to chase people away they are there to get attention and promote product.
Sounds like there's a few idiots over at that other board. Maybe those tools need a little refresher on the fact that if it's in public you're free to photograph it. It doesn't matter what they think you should or shouldn't be taking pics of.

You are the man, screw them 3rd world morons - this is America,what would they like to see pictures of sheep?

I'am working on getting you nominated for Photog of the year, keep up the good work!!
Doesn't bother me one bit! And another thing.....you are well known for it. Everyone knows they will be in your pics. If they don't want to look at them they don't have to click your link. Plain and simple. :)

That says it all right there................
Jeez, it's not like you're posting porn. I love the pictures and the captions. I think it's awesome the effort you go to for captioning all the pictures. I agree with Karl about when a lovely young lady catches my eye, I'm going to look. It's all in good clean fun and I'd be willing to bet that many of the subjects of said pictures would be flattered. If I thought there was anything wrong with it, I wouldn't have been your spy when we were in Vegas. Keep 'em comin, Joe!
ok joe i know what board you are talking about and i know what these people are saying and i'll tell you right now....you can't put any stock into anything thats said over there....don't worry about it, you didn't do anything wrong....don't waste your time giving those people a second thought.....i sure there are more constructive ways to spend your time.....like finding more eye candy!! :)
Look you ole' perv, your pics make me sick. I think I need to go look again to make sure, but I'm pretty certain!!!! You know I love your pics.
No problem here - Usually by E-town, all the cars are starting to look the same anyhow.
And Joe, I have a folder on my puter called Eye Candy where I save all your stuff... And Paul's, and David S around the Track/extra's....

race car shot's are saved in event folders 01 tru 23 by year...

by the way, there's some nice eye candy in the race shots at Torco/Comp Plus too...

You're not a perv.In Indy my son and I were at Fuller's pit.I thought he was taking a pic of Rod.He was taking a pic of one of the Brute girls.:rolleyes:
.....these broads dress like that because they want people to look at their shoes:D:D.


not being able to see their own shoes, they want people to let
them know if they are wearing matching shoes!!:D:D

love your pics joe.
although i've been waiting for someone to post.......
'hey, that's my mom!"
Thanks for the support everyone, I never thought I was getting out of line per say. I think all of my Eye Candy pics in '08 will be dedicated to Def Leppard and Dr. Rude. I may even post a link over there??? Of course I think they're just jealous I'm not taking pics of they're Women???
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