I remember ducking for cover when somebody would get sideways, like that would have helped.
Norwalk lovers be advised - some of the upcoming changes may affect the character of the track in ways you will not like. Things like acres of neatly maintained grass areas and inside-the-pits camping spaces will probably go the way of the Dodo Bird and be replaced by acres of asphalt in the Pro pit area. It's one price of "progress."
I kind of like the place the way it is - it's more like "real race tracks" back in the "good old days of drag racing." you know, stuff like grass and trees and such, combined with nice spectator facilities and a fan-friendly attitude.
- Larry
It Took selling the facility rights to O'reilly to get any Pit facility upgrades at IRP done!
the weird thing about this is the fact that druzilla sold the pro stock operation because mansfield speedway was in trouble from the hurricane that tore it up. now he is adding a state of the art dragstrip for ihra, whats up with this story line?
Guys, be carefull here, I understand Alan has a very large tonque collection!I was wrong. It has happened before, and I'm pretty sure it will happen again. Feel free to laugh at me, stick out yours tonque or whatever else you want to do.
I was wrong. It has happened before, and I'm pretty sure it will happen again. Feel free to laugh at me, stick out yours tonque or whatever else you want to do.
OK, now that the suspense is over, what airport do I fly into to have the shortest drive to the track? I've always wanted to hit Cedar Point now with national event in the area it would be an uber trip.
If you're flying yourself, the Huron County Airport is about 100 yards from the track. Scott Kalitta saw it up close this past weekend. Commercial airline would be to Cleveland Hopkins, about 45 minutes from the track.