Nitro Member
I can't imagine Ray would be so short-sided as to not enter into a long-term contract before giving up his position at the NHRA.
Could someone really be that . . .
. . . well, you know?
If there was indeed a contract, Kenny's spending a great deal to make this work and if it is, in fact, Todd, permit me to suggest a long-term enforceable contract.
With all the musical chairs in drag racing, I don't thing that a contract means anything these days. I'm sure all have performance clauses that make them easy to get out of.
I've known Ray Alley since birth and am sorry to see that he has not been able to get Kenny's car to run.
It is unfortunate that teams have had to go after other teams crew chiefs in situations like this. Now more that ever you are seeing younger guys given an opportunity to be crew chief, but there seems to be a shortage when new teams are started to find capable mechanics to run them.
It is good that most fuel teams these days are designating a crew guy to be a lieutenant in case the crew chief decides to leave (Like when Dick LaHaie retired) You're going to see more new younger blood in our sport in the future.