I normally don't have a lot of time to sit in front of my computer to read, study and otherwise educate myself on the day to day operations of each and every team that races. I certainly wish I could, but the fact is I can't. As a result I guess I suffer from a minor case of naivety... or maybe it's just plain ol' ignorance. Probably both when you get right down to it.
Anyway, I was (am) a huge critic of this deal. Part of me understands Jimmy's desire for stability - assuming it exists more w/ KB than it did w/ Tuttle, which is questionable based on what I'm reading on this thread alone - but I'm a loyalty based kinda guy & I always have been. I'm not rich with money (possibly the understatement of the year) but my friends, co-workers & loved ones know they can count on me no matter what & I feel the same about them.
Another consideration for me is team chemistry - and I know it's been brought up somewhere in the 290+ posts already. We see it in every stick & ball sport almost every year - teams spend millions either during the off-season or at the trading deadline and it almost (I stress almost) never works. See: The New York Yankees w/ Alex Rodriguez, The San Francisco Giants w/ Barry Bonds & Jeff Kent, as examples. I don't care how much money you have, you cannot buy team chemistry... And that's probably what bugs me most about this deal - the Tuttle/Todd/Walsh team had it & it's a rare commodity. Now, because of the almighty dollar its gone and even in the unlikely event Walsh returns, it's been forever changed. And there will almost assuredly be a lack of team chemistry in the Monster camp, Tim & Kim Richards or not. There's a microscope on this team (not qualifying, new crew chief, etc.) and that's not a good first step in establishing team chemistry.
I hope this works out for all party's concerned, I sincerely mean that, but it's going to be a while before I'm ready to root for KB, if ever. And I apologize if it seems like I'm 'bashing' KB, I'm not. He made a business oriented decision without concern for personal feelings in order to make his team better & I guess that's what he gets paid by Monster to do - I'm just more loyal than that & wouldn't have it in me to treat people that way. If that makes him a better businessman than me, then so be it - after all, he's rich & racing a Nitro Funny Car & I'm not.