First of all, I love pretty much everyone of you, well 98%I've loved everyone I've met in person off here, and want to meet a lot more of you in person, especially you Suzie I will then bug you all meeting doing John Madden impersonations which I learnt from playing Madden on the Sega as a kid
Bottom line is, for the last couple of weeks, the threads seem all the same, and PJ and Ron, love you guys, but no one is listening to your smartness besides me and a few others, and I was about to blow my lid, but thought stuff it I'll let you battle for me. But the countdown, the putting down of drivers. owners, Force talk, 3 threads on Matt Smith etc, waking up to the same ol every morning really just put me back to sleep. It's like the forum became stagnate. Also some just seem to focus on the big players, there is a lot of other cool news coming out, but because big names are not put to it, people don't bother to give it the time of day.
Maybe, I'm just grumpy because I'm not still in the states and am now so very far away from it all.
But yes true fully I'd find it hard to just pick up my keyboard and leave with so many great people on here, in the small little city that I live in, this place has saved me from complete boredom. Well there are some threads I want to comment on right now, but I thought this would be the best one to start with.
Happy holidays to you all![]()
any comment I had just didn't sound right, so all I can say is sorry if what I've done has wrecked the board for you or anyone else. That has not been my intention. I believe that nhra has made a move that is bad for the sport and have tried to stop it. Yes I realize its like an ant taking on a stampede.
Paul and I have gone round and round about this and I still repsect the guy. I don't agree with what he says but I get what he means. Others can't seem to have such conversations without ill will I guess. Hell I've got people starting threads on other message boards about me that I don't go to ripping on me. I don't get how its wrong for me to complain but ok for people to complain about me complaining? Yet on this or any other board people spend tons of time complaining about nhra, rules, Whit, Angelle, The Enders, Schumacher, lack of coverage, nascar, lack of sportsman love, sponsors, tv time slots, Paul Page, why pro mod isn't a pro class, why pro stock is, bike rules, pro stock truck, tires, chassis the list goes on.
Funny thing is despite becoming the anti countdown poster child, which by the way was never my goal, my hope was that someone bigger would take it and run, there are people on both sides that have spent more time and post for and against it then I have.
I suppose until the drivers stand up in public and say what they do in private then none of this matters.
ok I did it again what was supposed to be a simple sorry went on, maybe thats my problem