Is it just me... (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Or has this forum turned to crap? No wonder some people steer clear of it. The only good in the past couple of days has been everyones Pomona photos, but as far as context goes till something decent is on here, or I feel like sharing some photos, old articles or talking about stuff other then half the current crap on this forum, I'm out.

Dude, it's going to be slow a little because the season is over.

BTW the reason why some people "steer clear" is because they can't bash people here. Those aren't the type of people you want anyway!
I'm sorry....but I've met so many great people because of this forum. How can that be 'crap'? Sure there's bs here, but really.....isn't there bs in our real life too. I take it for what it is. People who are genuinely passionate about the same sport. Agree or disagree.....isn't that what we have to deal with in every rhealm of life?
Getting kinda gray and depressing over in foggy Londontown there, Mike??:rolleyes: Prozak time? :D

Good folks hang here, and being crotchety just doesn't translate right from a keyboard (makes people look whiney..), and its just not fun to read anymore. If I need that attitude, there are other places to go, but it gets old quick. Hence why most of the best *****in takes place in the trailer with a cooler of Corona and a bottle of Jack... If that means that the board is getting weak, oh well...;)
I've learned to read the ones that are heading somewhere to me and pass on the others. Try it sometime. Remember, if we all had the same interests, same personalities, same upbringing, etc. this would be a very plain vanilla world. For the record, I've never purchased vanilla. Hang in there buddy we value your posts.
I've learned to read the ones that are heading somewhere to me and pass on the others. Try it sometime. Remember, if we all had the same interests, same personalities, same upbringing, etc. this would be a very plain vanilla world. For the record, I've never purchased vanilla. Hang in there buddy we value your posts.
Good point, Bobby. I know I skim a lot of threads. Sometimes I can tell by the preview of the first post that I don't really care for the topic. So, I skip that.
With the number of people on here and how threads "detour", there is usually something that is interesting.
I'm sorry....but I've met so many great people because of this forum. How can that be 'crap'? Sure there's bs here, but really.....isn't there bs in our real life too. I take it for what it is. People who are genuinely passionate about the same sport. Agree or disagree.....isn't that what we have to deal with in every rhealm of life?

I think Jerry put him up to this. I expect to see a post from Michael over on the CompPlus forum any minute. :D
Even though I beleive that this is one of the best boards out there I have noticed a lot of negativity...[big word]. As soon as a subject comes up there is immediately somebody looking for the worst possible take on it.

I have no issue with opinons and different opinons are great because they spark good conversation but man just go back and look as some threads and you can see the negativity. I think and I said i think that if people would hold back just a bit until they actually had some facts before rushing to judgement it would be a good thing....

or Not..
Jim, I have seen the same thing. I notice a lot of people in general though, at work especially do the same thing. Okay, I may be one at times too. And it seems like that is more contagious than optimistic thinking.
It seems as if you post a sincere question here the number of smart ass answers from all the people with over 500 posts and no life outside the keyboard dig into you like wolves after red meat.

I check this board every day and after 3 or 4 real answers it is the same people taking over the thread with their own agendas that have little to do with the thread and contirbute nothing to the topic.

I was at the Mater Meetings at the Nationals and was asked to post more.........Why? I get all the abuse I need at work.
Jim Burke and Jet speak the truth, there is a big difference in stating one's opinions and borderline personal attacks. What we need are more positive threads and give up on the arguements over the Countdown. We will never all agree on that, so what's the point of argueing over it for month's on end?

I don't get this thread...................especially from such a nice guy like you!

There are many nice people on here, but yes, at times there are some "Nitromorons"!!!

It is going to be a little quiet over the off season, so if you want to hear some crap, go to the basher boards and then you will realize how much more fun us nice folks can be!!!:D

We still love ya!;)
Jim Burke and Jet speak the truth, there is a big difference in stating one's opinions and borderline personal attacks. What we need are more positive threads and give up on the arguements over the Countdown. We will never all agree on that, so what's the point of argueing over it for month's on end?

Good call Lance. The seemingly never ending bashing/praising/arguing over the countdown I equate to playing a broken record. Eventually, I think most people tire of hearing it and will stop playing it.
Hey, Michael, sometimes it seems to me like I am the thread killer of all times--I can't count the number of times I have replied to a thread and that is the end of it or responded to someone in a thread and the response goes un replied to while other responses get acknowledged and I have even started threads with what I consider to be an interesting question and get no response whatsoever. At those times I really don't feel much of a part of the board either. But compared to the other boards I have visited the mater seems like a better place to be. Despite feeling like I'm not really part of the "gang" on here most of the time, I think I'll still hang out here. Hope you reconsider.
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