Nitro Member
Bob Margolis has a clue, and it is right on target...
Putting Patrick's victory in perspective - IRL - Yahoo! Sports
Not to take anything away from Danica's win, but doesn't it seem odd that she wouldn't be competing in the recently reunited organizations race in Long Beach, as opposed to what would be considered the "B Main" race in Japan???
EDIT: I guess the Japanese race was considered the bigger of this weekend's open-wheel races. My bad..
I hope the press does what it does best, and digs up ways to show that this wasn't the greatest moment in all of sport. Many have come before her, and many will come after- and I would bet the rent that those wins will come in Drag Racing over other forms of motorsports...
Putting Patrick's victory in perspective - IRL - Yahoo! Sports
Not to take anything away from Danica's win, but doesn't it seem odd that she wouldn't be competing in the recently reunited organizations race in Long Beach, as opposed to what would be considered the "B Main" race in Japan???
EDIT: I guess the Japanese race was considered the bigger of this weekend's open-wheel races. My bad..
I hope the press does what it does best, and digs up ways to show that this wasn't the greatest moment in all of sport. Many have come before her, and many will come after- and I would bet the rent that those wins will come in Drag Racing over other forms of motorsports...
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