Nitro Member

Click the pic for the pics. No eye candy fellas, mostly because there was none.
This was the first IHRA National Event I attended since 1993. I attend several NHRA events a year, so I found myself doing comparisons in my head between the 2. Then I realized I am getting to see nitro cars race, and I just sat back and enjoyed. Some observations:
Love the smooth, dulcet tones of Bob Unkefer on the mic during Pro Stock.
Did not love the other announcer during the other classes. He did a horrible "Sling Blade" impersonation at least 15 times and keep begging the Torco girls to turn around and wave at him at least 30 times. Talk about the cars or the drivers or SHUT UP. PS "Sling Blade" is over ten years old, time to move on.
Why do they run Pro Stock first?
I will never complain about a NHRA oil-down delay again. On the IHRA side when there is an oil-down, it is a half-hour affair at least.
Where was the crowd? Friday night qualifying, perfect weather and I'll eat my hat if there was 1,000 paid in there tonight. And while we're here, $35 is steep for the Friday program. I pay $42 at Vegas for Fridays and I get TWO qualifying shots and fireworks. In fact $35 may have just answered my question about the sparse crowd. Oh yeah, and it was $10 to park. OOF!
OK OK OK enough whining. There was A LOT to like. As I have already mentioned, the weather and air were absolutely perfect. The track was tight and the cars were flying. Scott Cannon said he saw several other Pro Mods not get down the track so he backed it down ... all it did was run 5.99 @ 240. SICK.
The pits were laid out well, very easy to get around.
Beer was cheap, only $3.
I got to meet fellow Maters Kathy Johnson and Tony Smith. Kathy did not bring her Iron Man (I was going to try to get a pic with it) and Tony Smith is a cool dude. Tony told me adjusted altitude was 50 feet BELOW sea level, told you the air was good!! Always fun to meet people from the Mater.
The Jet truck was cool, a gigantic Freightliner that goes over 200 MPH is something to see.
One thing that struck me as odd was MIR has bathroom attendants. You know like they have at clubs and fancy restaurants. When I am at a drag race I don't want to have some guy trying to hustle me for some cologne or a piece of gum in the bathroom. And he took all of the towels out of the dispenser, so when you washed your hands you had to get your towels from him pretty much obligating you to tip him.
All in all it was a good time, and I am glad I drove over to MIR to check it out. If the IHRA comes to your neck of the woods, I would definitely recommend going, but wait til Saturday when you will get 2 qualifying shots and the "Night of Fire" or Sunday eliminations.
Lastly, MIR would probably be well served not to schedule their National Event 1 week before the NHRA is in Richmond 50 miles away. That also may have contributed to the empty bleachers.
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