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I f you could change one of these

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I've been to many 4-wide races at Zmax when I lived in Charlotte and let me tell you this, there's nothing like sitting in the finish line bleachers when four fuel cars come by at full song. Like the Red writer said if you don't like it, don't go.

Side note: When Bruton built the track he wasn't imagining 4-wide races, he was thinking it could be a "spare" track in case of a major oil down or accident to keep the show running for the live TV broadcast he envisioned.
I've been to many 4-wide races at Zmax when I lived in Charlotte and let me tell you this, there's nothing like sitting in the finish line bleachers when four fuel cars come by at full song. Like the Red writer said if you don't like it, don't go.

Side note: When Bruton built the track he wasn't imagining 4-wide races, he was thinking it could be a "spare" track in case of a major oil down or accident to keep the show running for the live TV broadcast he envisioned.
I made this comment years ago but all i got in reply was "too much $." I think the length of the race (1000 or 1320) should be determined by the track and its shutdown length. If a track has 1/8 mile more shutdown room than another, how is it not just as safe to run the extra 320 feet?

Every other form or motor racing has various sized tracks. My background is dirt track racing (sprint cars) and all the classes race anywhere from 1/4 mile oval to 1/2 mile. And they don't have nearly the $ that NHRA teams have, even the smaller ones.

If the response is "too expensive to have multiple motors for each length track - big teams will have even more of an advantage" I can point to examples all over motor racing where a particular team/driver/car specializes in the track closest to them and with that local knowledge they are able to compete against bigger budget teams. Also, some drivers in other forms of motor racing are better at short or longer tracks. Shorter tracks would favor quicker reaction time driver for instance.

If they can figure out how to race different length tracks in Indy car, NASCAR, F1, USAC Silver Crown, World of Outlaw late model, sprints, and every local dirt track in America, why can't NHRA?
I made this comment years ago but all i got in reply was "too much $." I think the length of the race (1000 or 1320) should be determined by the track and its shutdown length. If a track has 1/8 mile more shutdown room than another, how is it not just as safe to run the extra 320 feet?

Every other form or motor racing has various sized tracks. My background is dirt track racing (sprint cars) and all the classes race anywhere from 1/4 mile oval to 1/2 mile. And they don't have nearly the $ that NHRA teams have, even the smaller ones.

If the response is "too expensive to have multiple motors for each length track - big teams will have even more of an advantage" I can point to examples all over motor racing where a particular team/driver/car specializes in the track closest to them and with that local knowledge they are able to compete against bigger budget teams. Also, some drivers in other forms of motor racing are better at short or longer tracks. Shorter tracks would favor quicker reaction time driver for instance.

If they can figure out how to race different length tracks in Indy car, NASCAR, F1, USAC Silver Crown, World of Outlaw late model, sprints, and every local dirt track in America, why can't NHRA?
A major issue that comes up is tire safety. Right now, there's a reason rules go into place to slow cars down a bit every time they push 340 MPH. If you consider 340 to be the absolute max speed that the cars are allowed to run, then running 1320 would require a different set of limiting rules to ensure that barrier is set in stone. This then raises the point: what's the difference if a car runs 330-340 in 1000' or 1320'? The max is the same, so the only difference would be that it takes the cars about half a second longer to reach it going the full length.

Of course, you could always try to convince manufacturers and the insurance companies to develop a nitro tire (and anything else that has a hard performance ceiling) that is suitable for higher speeds, but I don't think you'll get very favorable results.
I was one who was excited to see 4-wide. Tried it once live, cool experience on the sensations not so much on the racing. It's very much an exhibition type of event. They've gotten better with the TV coverage of it but it's still not great. You have to pan back so far to get all 4 cars in that I'm almost closer watching from home. It's 2 races a year that I tend to skip watching. If it brings more people or fans in then fine, my worry is that Burton will add more tracks that do this.

I'd love to see 1320 back, even after all these years it still takes me a few passes to realize they are not clicking it off early but with all the safety, tire and insurance issues this will never happen. I like the idea of different length tracks. 1000', 1320, 2 lane, 4 lane. Like other auto racing or baseball stadiums a little variety would be ok but it's not gonna happen.

Now it was nice to see season long championships last year....oh wait that wasn't an option :)
So what would be the maximum speed a drag racing tire could handle? 350?? I'm amazed that the tires handle the speeds of today.
I wasn't trying to hijack the thread, and I'm not arguing with those that don't like the four wide. If you don't like it, then you don't like it.

I'm wondering why if you don't like it, you just don't just ignore it. It's two weekends a year. It's not changing the whole sport. SMI is in the business of selling tickets, Bruton thought this would sell tickets and it does. And as long as it does, it's going to be part of the schedule.

I think it's like covering Bristol with dirt, some thought it was a
genius idea, some thought it was silly or a gimmick. They're doing it again next year, and as fans you can watch or not. If you decide not to watch, you have 37 races on asphalt.

Just my opinion.
as noted in another thread; the recent 4wide in vegas, taped delayed sunday evening broadcast drew a .18 rating. now we see that the atlanta race eliminations on sunday
will be broadcast next weekend at 10:30pm cst.........i would ask the question, does 4wide racing have something to do with the .18 rating? and if so, does the .18 rating have
something to do with the following race airing at 10:30pm? especially for new series sponsor camping world, i would think every effort would be made to produce the highest attended,
highest viewed national events all season long..........yes, an individual can 'skip' any races he or she does not prefer, but that's not the point. if the unique or different races cause
any negative effects on standard races, then there mite be a problem........i can't imagine nhra signed a tv contract paying for 10:30pm sunday night eliminations?
Alan, your last sentence says a lot. If I don't watch 4 wide I will miss watching 10% of the season if I was a fan of and missed a couple of NASCAR races out of 37, its not a big deal as they are running literally every weekend of their season, not the same for NHRA. I don't care for 4 wide because for me anyways, its impossible to focus on four lanes of cars racing 3 second elapsed times, but will watch it because I love the sport and understand the need to do it a couple of times a year. As a sidenote I heard you talking about your K code Mustang and saw the back of it (An ultra rare 67 I believe?) On one of your shows with Joe C. Original car or modified? I have an original 65 K which is my pride and joy. Great cars and lots of fun to drive! Hope to run into you at the LVD divisional if your there this year.
The 4 wide in my opinion, as a crew guy, thats actually done a few of them, is fun. Yeah theyre usually stressful and a bit of a circus...but if you cant adapt to what really amounts to a small change...dont go or watch...

Im the biggest lover of 1320..but let me tell all you "purists" in on a secret...we arent ever going back to 1320 in the fuel classes.

Why? Because to do so would cost around twice as much as it costs to make a full pull to 1000...the big boys ( kalitta,dsr, force,capco) throw away or sell the rods pistons sleeves after every run and they barely make it to the stripe as it .

Plus a nitro car right now could probably run 350 or 360 mph...imagine a tire failure at the traps at that speed? will the cage be intact after that? probably...can a human survive that impact? most assuredly not.

1000 ft is here to stay and 4 wide is cool.

flame away
We're always pleading for track owners to build more tracks, and one of the few that builds them regularly is Bruton Smith.
If he thinks four wide is a good investment, the sport should be listening. Maybe there's a few more sacred cows we should look to sacrifice - like eliminations-style racing!
4 wide is likely fun in person. On TV not so good. If I had a vote 4 wide would go. Neither 4 wide or 1000' is going away unless they have to go to 1/8th mile.
This 4 wide on tv was not so good. Reason, not enough cameras. What they need is to have 2 boom cameras on the starting line. One for each side. If the NHRA wants to promote 4 wides, they need a shit ton of cameras all the way down the track on both sides. And no I'm not a production director.
I wasn't trying to hijack the thread, and I'm not arguing with those that don't like the four wide. If you don't like it, then you don't like it.

I'm wondering why if you don't like it, you just don't just ignore it. It's two weekends a year. It's not changing the whole sport. SMI is in the business of selling tickets, Bruton thought this would sell tickets and it does. And as long as it does, it's going to be part of the schedule.

I think it's like covering Bristol with dirt, some thought it was a
genius idea, some thought it was silly or a gimmick. They're doing it again next year, and as fans you can watch or not. If you decide not to watch, you have 37 races on asphalt.

Just my opinion.

Just a warning. I hated 4 wide in person and on TV so I skipped it. Now I find myself skipping more and more races and not missing them at all. No longer attend any races in person and only watch a few on TV. Be careful what you ask for. You might get more that you want.

In all honesty there are other factors about todays drag racing that may also have contributed to my faltering support for a sport that I once loved and participated in at a high level.
Just a warning. I hated 4 wide in person and on TV so I skipped it. Now I find myself skipping more and more races and not missing them at all. No longer attend any races in person and only watch a few on TV. Be careful what you ask for. You might get more that you want.

In all honesty there are other factors about todays drag racing that may also have contributed to my faltering support for a sport that I once loved and participated in at a high level.
Maybe that's why TV Ratings are down. LOL
I wasn't trying to hijack the thread, and I'm not arguing with those that don't like the four wide. If you don't like it, then you don't like it.

I'm wondering why if you don't like it, you just don't just ignore it. It's two weekends a year. It's not changing the whole sport. SMI is in the business of selling tickets, Bruton thought this would sell tickets and it does. And as long as it does, it's going to be part of the schedule.

I think it's like covering Bristol with dirt, some thought it was a
genius idea, some thought it was silly or a gimmick. They're doing it again next year, and as fans you can watch or not. If you decide not to watch, you have 37 races on asphalt.

Just my opinion.
Alan, great reply! A far as SMI selling tickets (ie making money) that's what it is all about for them. Not going to stop. Maybe I watch, maybe I don't.

My post above is just my point of view of 4 wide. As far as 1000 to 1320, I consider myself an old timer, but, realize with todays 335 MPH cars it's 1000 or nothing!
You know, if NHRA's ratings were among the highest for all sports, I could see an NHRA sycophant saying, "If you don't like it, don't go."
But, with absolutely terrible ratings, and an even worse TV schedule, that's not such a smart statement. People are already staying away and/or not tuning in as it is.
Everybody on this site are die hard drag racing fans and their opinions are worth listening to, instead of being dismissed outright.
I've not attended a 4 wide race yet. But, I can say I do not like watching it on TV. It's just not easy to watch all four cars at once. Besides, it gives Lohnes and Pedregon twice as much to talk about on each run. They already talk way too much when it's just two cars racing.
However, I would like to go at least one time and experience four fuel cars going full throttle simultaneously.
I figure it will be like the one time I did a bungee jump (from 150 ft). I'm glad I did it, but I have no desire to do it again.
Would I like to see a return to 1320 racing for the fuel cars? You bet. Is it going to happen? Probably not, unless the multi-car teams give their blessing. And, I just don't see that happening.
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