Nitro Member
a whole list of injuries that can happen to people out there.
Couple of things to think about -
1) How great is the risk?
2) What are the potntial consequences if the problem occurs?
3) How to you eliminate the risk?
4) How difficult is it to implement the solution? Can you enforce the rule?
5) What are the consequences of the solution?
For this particular risk:
1) Not sure (my personal opinion low risk)
2) (Potentially) serious injury or death
3) Implement rule "A vehicle must perform entire run (including burnout) under it's own power" (is this so unreasonable?)
4) Not difficult, put it in the rule book. If a person pushes the car, the rule is violated - run disqualified.
5) Not sure - listening to previous posts, AJ's clutch parts would have to be modified, might hurt performance. (how long would it take for them to figure out how to fix those parts to work with the rules?)
You can be a better judge if implementing a rule is worth it if you knew all the answers to the above questions. In this case it seems to me the rule would be worth it.
Another example: No fans in the pits because they could get run over by a car falling off the jack
1) Not sure (probably low risk?)
2) Serious injury or death
3) Ban spectators from the pits.
4) You must change the layout of most/all tracks to keep spectators out of the pits. This costs money. Increased security - more money.
5) Completely change the NHRA expierence. Reduced attendance. Reduced sponsor interest.
Balancing safety with the fundamentals of the sport is difficult (ask whoever had to implement the 1000' rule). But for this thread maybe a rule isn't a bad idea.