Gregg Pickens
Nitro Member
All I know is the car doesn't care one way or the other.
Of course you are not operating with prejudice based on 20th-21th century acts of some people that you don't like. Look into the nature of Allah as originally described. Judeo Christian God is often twisted into a monster.....
We are a curiously vain lot, us humans, that such a ridiculous activity as sport merits any notice from the almighty, let alone his intervention towards a given result.
My thoughts are with you Karl.
Wow..this got really wanky.
But we knew it would right? I think it is actually silly..
We're racing, Man!! Whether you believe there were divine instances of you being able to do this..bless your heart. Some hear ya..some don't. So why even have it be an issue?
I honestly don't care what one's belief is. If you want to pay tribute to what YOU believe in your brief time of glory, doesn't bother me at all.
Buddah, Christ, Allah, Hopi.. Mickey Mouse..have at it.
People need to pull their underwear out of the butt crack.
Carry on with the silliness.
First off, Karl, best wishes to you. Hope everything goes well.
As far praising Allah....
The bombing of the USS Cole, the first world trade center attack, the 2nd attack which crushed 3000+ people, the London bombings, and countless other deadly attacks on innocent people were all done in the name of "Allah." The senseless murders of hundreds of women in middle-eastern countries for petty things like wearing an above-the-knee skirt or looking at a boy are all done in the name of "Allah."
If a racer decides to praise "Allah," knowing that his non-existent deity influenced murder all over the world.... hell yeah I'd be upset.![]()
Religion gets in the way of God.
- Paul Hewson
Next thing you will tell me is that Paul Hewson is in a band with Dave Evans.
The counterpoint to this is.. Does that mean all the killing that's been done for 2,012 years in the name of God is okay? What makes it any different?
Religion and hypocrisy will hold hands for all of eternity.
I can't think of any religion that sponsors Blowing up Buildings and chopping off heads like the Islamic Extremists can you?
I was going to say something very similar, I have never seen a religion push people to commit murder like "the religion of peace."![]()
I was going to say something very similar, I have never seen a religion push people to commit murder like "the religion of peace."![]()