Good read on EE blog (4 Viewers)

I got to say that was very well done.
You all want straight info, well you got it. As much as we like to say it is a sport, well it is not or at least on the professional level it is not. It is a business and if you don't run it as a business you end up in the dumpster.....

Well written article, I am impressed and I write for a living.

Very good. I appreciate the no bull. It is too bad that the Enders' feel that they have to defend their decisions though. However, I thought that everyone had been pretty tame on here lately concerning EE!
$2.4 million per year! I would have NEVER Imagined Pro stock being anywhere near the Cost of TF/FC.
This board is tame but there are some others that devote 40% of there postings to bashing this team. I don't get it. The few time I have met them they have been nothing but cordial. Everyone knocks them leaving Cagnazzi and on the surface it doesn't make sense but none of us know the inner workings of that deal. But he is right and it didn't happen for Victor overnight. I wish them all of the luck in the world and look at the critics as just jealousy. :confused:
I agree that we're very respectful on this board. Plus, we all use our real names no hiding behind wild and unsubstantiated posts.

I'd love for Erica to be competitive for many reasons. I'm just happy she's in a Dodge!
Very good. I appreciate the no bull. It is too bad that the Enders' feel that they have to defend their decisions though. However, I thought that everyone had been pretty tame on here lately concerning EE!

Exactly. It is a shame he always feels the need to defend his decisions but I appreciate it when he does. Sometimes from the outside a certain decision seems odd. Once it is explained it can then be understood.

Great blog Mr. Enders.
This board is tame but there are some others that devote 40% of there postings to bashing this team. I don't get it. The few time I have met them they have been nothing but cordial. Everyone knocks them leaving Cagnazzi and on the surface it doesn't make sense but none of us know the inner workings of that deal. But he is right and it didn't happen for Victor overnight. I wish them all of the luck in the world and look at the critics as just jealousy. :confused:

This board is tame NOW. However, before the 'real names only' change after the old 'mater was taken down because of the bashing, Gregg Enders used to post here frequently. However, the wholesale slaughter that took place regularly is not something any racer, owner, crew chief, crew member or anyone needs to endure.

When he posted here, he woudl give his cell phone number to the worst critics, and invited them to talk to him directly. Or stop by their pit area at a race. Of course, 99% of them never did it, and the one or two who did, came away with a different perspective of the situation.

Thankfully when the old mater ended, and it was decided that everyone would use real names or not post, all the people 'unwilling' to use their real names, landed other places so they could continue to bash people and the 'new' mater has remained civilized.

Excellent Blog Mr. Enders! And good luck with securing the right sponsor for your vision to win.
I lurked on the old board but the format changed before I decided to contribute. I have also e-mailed Gregg because his daughter has inspired mine a grwat deal. His response was great. I can't fathom how hard it would be to put an operation like this together and just hope in a couple of years they are to where they are at Cagnazzi. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is a race team.

Will be at the race this weekend and can't wait.:cool:
that entire team is a class act. ive said it many times before. ive talked to gregg on the phone for a lengthy time before , also erica helped me with great tips just before i went to frank hawleys school. they didnt have to do it but they did. the enders are genuine , nice people. and the wins WILL come. hard work and great people is a winning combo! good luck team EE!!!!!!!!
Greg Enders, in my opinion, is one of of the finest gentlemen you will ever meet. I had the opportunity to play golf (well he was playing golf, the jury is still out on what the rest of us were doing) with him and he truly is a remarkable fellow. When you talk to him you will quickly learn he has a real passion for what they are trying to accomplish. I can assure you they will succeed.

All their hard work is going to pay off, very soon I hope.

Greg, if you are reading these posts, I have another golf shoe that needs repair. Can you send me some of that magic tape of yours.

Go Get'um team E
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man has this board got WEAK... sorry but there are no opinions anymore.. just sugar coated ass kissing. .Even if I dont agree with some of the things that used to get posted here, atleast it wasnt ass kissing mush all the time. weak
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man has this board got WEAK... sorry but there are no opinions anymore.. just sugar coated ass kissing. .Even if I dont agree with some of the things that used to get posted here, atleast it wasnt ass kissing mush all the time. weak

Glad to see you have an opinion Jerry.
man has this board got WEAK... sorry but there are no opinions anymore.. just sugar coated ass kissing. .Even if I dont agree with some of the things that used to get posted here, atleast it wasnt ass kissing mush all the time. weak
What you term to be "sugar coated ass kissing" IS expressing opinions. Are you really that negative and shallow? Should there be unwarranted bashing in every thread, just for the sake of bashing? That's what the old place became.
What you term to be "sugar coated ass kissing" IS expressing opinions. Are you really that negative and shallow? Should there be unwarranted bashing in every thread, just for the sake of bashing? That's what the old place became.
SOME opinions? yes.. EVERYONE'S opinion? No.. this place has changed for the worse in my opinion bcause evryone is so afraid to speak their TRUE opinion. I guess because they are using their real name? So now what do we have? No real inside info. No real opinions, and nobody with balls to post how they really feel. It's a joke. And it has nothing to do with THIS thread. It's just how the place is. Sorry.. that's how I feel,and have felt for a long time. Man i miss the good ole days. By the way.. I thought the racers,owners and Berserkos were going to come back in droves. LMAO.. what a joke.. and where is Jannard? Oh yeah.. that's right.. counting his money.
If they just start qualifying on a regular basis and win a few all the bad opinion's might go away!
I'm sorry as good as Nickens is Alan Johnson has a better combination!
Richie and Alan at least qualify consistantly and have won a few exactly what the Enders group needs to do until that happens I'm sorry to say the negative crap will continue to flow!
So he is a CEO in these day and times they are considered the same as politicians corupt and over paid! :cool:

There you go Jerry opinionated enough for ya! ;)

2.5 million I would rather go fuel racing!
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