Paul and Cheryl... I don't think you really read what I wrote... (AN UPFRONT CASHIERS CHECK, not his previous business dealings). If you read it correctly, and would not take money because of your opinion of the guy, well, than I can't argue with your opinion. I would take the money, and I'll tell you why.
Evan LOVED this sport, and I'm sure he still does. He trusted some people to help him run his business affairs that obviously were not qualified to run a large company. They ran a country club, a party palace, and did a horrible job of running the business of Torco and Knoll Gas. Personally Evan made some poor decisions in his life that resulted in a bad auto accident which lead to some head trama that he has not, and most likely never will fully recover from. These decisions, and his lifestyle are not one that makes a good business leader. I don't hold sympathy for the guy, because I've always believed that a person has to live with the decisions they make, and deal with the consequences of their actions. But, if he wanted to get back into the sport as a primary sponsor, had the money up front, I'd let him flip the bill to fund my team.
There are many levels of mistakes in life. What Evan and his group did not cause any physical injury or deaths. As a matter of fact, everyone who had major Torco Sponsorships are still alive and well. Many of them are stronger, learned some valuable lessons themselves, still racing and doing quite well. JR Todd, he landed on his feet just fine. Matt Smith, yup, he found sponsorship as well. Gary Densham, Dave Connolly, Melanie Troxel, Justin Humphries, and many sportsman racers like Marty Thacker, the Harker Sisters, even our own Randy Goodwin and his TAFC team are alive and well., yeah Bobby Bennett is still alive. It has been a tough year personally for him and his family, but the E-Zine is still online (heck they have me blogging for them)!
Whipping your hands of a person because of a few mistakes they have made, in my opinion is weak. It is not the way I would like to be treated. I have made mistakes in my life as well, and yes the mistakes I have made have effected people close in my life. Yet, those same people have not turned their back on me. They have embrassed me, given me a 2nd chance in life, and I am a better father, friend, employee, and all around person because of their faith in me.
People may be leary about trusting the sponsorship or business dealings from Knoll due to his recent history, but if the money was in the bank, I'm sure that over 90% of all current and aspiring pro teams would take an "UP FRONT" payment of $10,000,000 from Evan Knoll, Scott Griffin, John Costanza, or any of the previous "BAD GUY" owners from NHRA teams in the past. Some times people bite off more than they can chew in life, especially in our sport. How many Bankrupsy's, forclosures, wage garnishments, Divorces, and other finantial and personal losses have occured because of peoples "NEED FOR SPEED"? So, because I would give someone a 2nd chance in life, does that make me "Shallow" in your opinion?
So, Evan, if your out there, like it was said in the movie Top Gun, "Maverick, you'll get your reel when you get to the ship, if you don't....give me a call.... I'll fly with ya!"
...just my .02 cents....cause that's about all I can afford right now....!

But I still can smile about it!