Evan Knoll Strikes Again (1 Viewer)

and my opinion doesn't change, he needs the book thrown at him. To impact people's lives like this is ridiculous.
bad deal if it's all true.

a while back wasn't there a thread (maybe in the lounge) about
AMEX cards?
why do i think AMEX cards are not like regular credit cards in that they
don't extend credit over time with interest? - you charge for a month, then
the bill comes and you pay.........100% of balance.
or am i off base?
Mike, my Amex card is like any other CC... I have a min payment... I don't have to pay 100% of the balance each statement...

CJ Curtsinger

I went through a similar deal except it was a Visa. I was able to get my name completely cleared of it with no credit implications for a pretty reasonable rate. Any lawyer worth their weight should be able to get this dropped with minimal hassle.

Still BS, though.

I'm not a lawyer but if I had to go through the trouble, I might entertain threatening countersuit. With no ownership and it being clear she did not buy anywhere near that amount, she is clearly not liable. Sometimes another lawsuit is the only language they understand.
Here's how my Amex "corporate" card deal works:
  • I am required to submit a weekly expense report on what has been charged to the card.
  • I am required to keep a receipt of every transaction.

Having said that, if she can show proof of the expenditures are actual business expenses of Torco- the charges should be reverted to Torco.
The last line in the 1ST post says it all about your buddy the lying drunk.

I guess you got a new Keyboard which features illuminated Keys, with three levels of brightness, So you can keep playing Keyboard commando well into the night.

you have a PM
That's how it worked with Mr. Knoll. He used other people and other people's money as long as he could. Is he still playing 'Peek-A-Boo" with the Feds and bank examiners in Northern Michigan? He is a good example as to why we (this country) are in this economic mess.
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Here's how my Amex "corporate" card deal works:
  • I am required to submit a weekly expense report on what has been charged to the card.
  • I am required to keep a receipt of every transaction.

Having said that, if she can show proof of the expenditures are actual business expenses of Torco- the charges should be reverted to Torco.

One important point -- many years ago, in the late 80's, Amex started (and later Visa and Mastercard followed) an important change to Corporate cards. They make each person who gets a card sign a document that says essentially that you are personally responsible for the charges, and any reimbursement you get from the company is between you and the company. If you doubt this, please go back and read the paperwork you got when you got the company card -- I guarantee this is what it says.

This was done because of rampant misuse of cards in the go-go 80s where people would refuse to pay the card company for charges they claimed were company responsibility, and the company would refuse to pay because they were not appropriate charges. The card companies would get screwed, and they didn't want to be in the middle.

That all said, in a case like this one, all you have to do is prove to the court that they are legit company expenses and you'll get your claim entered into the bankruptcy. The problem is that you'll be just one of many with unsecured claims, and you'll likely see something like 20 cents on the dollar. You'll need to convince Amex that this is good enough. :eek:
From Evan's bulletin posted on myspace:

NOTICE: There will be a press realease from Evan Knoll very soon. Thanks Evan.

Not sure if he means press release or guilty plea but we'll see I guess. :rolleyes:
From Evan's bulletin posted on myspace:

NOTICE: There will be a press realease from Evan Knoll very soon. Thanks Evan.

Not sure if he means press release or guilty plea but we'll see I guess. :rolleyes:

I can only imagine how he is going to spin this one. Remember, he said he will be back in 2009:D.
As we all know, all the Knoll assets are in recievership with Chemical Bank for the Millions of $, Mr. knoll defaulted on. I found out Friday that despite many resonable bids from legit companies to buy the assets, a couple of Evans people bid on and won the bid (I can only guess on EK behalf). So this means he just bought back all his assets for pennies on the dollar. When is this guy going to be stoped? Why are the investors from Chemical Bank even letting this happen........ Why is he not in jail?

From Evan's bulletin posted on myspace:

NOTICE: There will be a press realease from Evan Knoll very soon. Thanks Evan.

Not sure if he means press release or guilty plea but we'll see I guess. :rolleyes:
I wouldn't worry to much as the bank is just the tip of the iceberg. He is so upside down now. Don't for get about the IRS and all the lawsuits.
OK......i am ready to start some waves...

Who here, who would races or would like to, wouldn't jump on the opportunity if Evan came calling back to our sport with a certified check for you and your team for $10 Million.....????
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