I don't understand why so many on here are a-holes when someone has differing opinions than them. Why does there need to be name calling, arguing, and the questioning of integrity among other things? Everyone is unique and has different views but we all have one thing in common. We are all drag racing fans. I really enjoy this site and enjoy reading what most of you have to say but it has been, for the most part, a steaming pile of dung with all of the bickering the past two weeks. I'm tired of reading it. I'm sure that some genius will point out to me that if I don't like it I don't have to read it but it's just getting old. Everyone please just chill out, think before you type and show some respect toward others. You have to give it before you get it. Let's go racing.
(...and that, my friends, is my opinion. Yours may vary. )
Rock on.
(...and that, my friends, is my opinion. Yours may vary. )
Rock on.