Dive - Dive - Dive !!!!!!!! (1 Viewer)

The Counterfeiter

Nitro Member
Four team matchups in first round! Hot Rod vs Whit and Greg vs Jason don't really mean much. But . . . Del and Morgan were wavering on qualifying show!!!! I know what i would do . . . TF - be honest and let Mel go! If Grubbie loses first round she's in. If not we would have one hell of a matchup.
FC - Del has the luxury of running last (if he chooses). If Head wins , it dosn't matter. If Jim loses - "verrry interesting" - :D

Fun stuff !!!! Any opinions?
Four team matchups in first round! Hot Rod vs Whit and Greg vs Jason don't really mean much. But . . . Del and Morgan were wavering on qualifying show!!!! I know what i would do . . . TF - be honest and let Mel go! If Grubbie loses first round she's in. If not we would have one hell of a matchup.
FC - Del has the luxury of running last (if he chooses). If Head wins , it dosn't matter. If Jim loses - "verrry interesting" - :D

Fun stuff !!!! Any opinions?

I think it is a no brainer, Mel takes out Lucas, Whit takes out Hot Rod, and Del takes out Arend. This is for the championship, the only one I think may not happen is Whit over Hot Rod and that is because CAT is on the car this weekend. If Hot Rod was driving the "White Shark" this weekend there would be tire smoke at the hit.
Ain't this what The Powers That Be Want????

I've said it before, Do What's Best Overall for The Company...

Dive away kids, Bottom Line, it's business.
Just imagine if Morgan beat Melanie and Grubbie goes out first round... That would be the most bittersweet victory... They constantly show his reactions to her winning on TV, so you can see he is very team oriented and not a "me me me!!!" person...

CJ Curtsinger
I like what Melanie said about if they couldn't do it on their own merit, they didn't deserve it.

I hope everyone runs hard.
100% understood from the get-

Lots of redlights would be my guess-
Only 6 more races of this BS!! until -08 :rolleyes:

this why i am really pulling for Jim Head to win it....if he wins the championship this weekend i have a feeling the hire ups will be very unhappy and maybe that can be enough to enact some kind of change!!!!.....but they will prolly spin it into how its so great that they made it so the little guy has a better chance to win it all and how this creation has revolutionized the sport....i have kept quiet about this countdown crap....trying to be willing to give it a chance.......but i now that it is upon us, i dunno.....maybe PJ is rubbing off on me....its starting to seem to me that we the fans are gonna lose out on good racing and nobody wants that!!!
this why i am really pulling for Jim Head to win it....if he wins the championship this weekend i have a feeling the hire ups will be very unhappy and maybe that can be enough to enact some kind of change!!!!.....but they will prolly spin it into how its so great that they made it so the little guy has a better chance to win it all and how this creation has revolutionized the sport....i have kept quiet about this countdown crap....trying to be willing to give it a chance.......but i now that it is upon us, i dunno.....maybe PJ is rubbing off on me....its starting to seem to me that we the fans are gonna lose out on good racing and nobody wants that!!!

I still don't understand how the "Countdown" is going to provide excitement for fans. We're going to see teams decide whether to dive tomorrow and this mess hasn't even started!
Another situation that may leave the "Suits" with egg on their faces could be short fields in Pro categories. There are a lot of pro teams running on marginal sponsorships who could decide that losing tens of thousands per race may not make sense.
The LAST PLACE team in a NASCAR race receives more than the TF or FC winner at a national event, and that does not include undisclosed TV money ditributed to teams (oh, you didn't know about that?)

Even if we have full fields for the remaining races, it's going to be very confusing for the average fan and a Train Wreck for smaller teams trying to extend sponsorships or replace sponsors who give it up. I hope the supposed new owners of NHRA are watching this, because i think we're going to have a number of ugly situations that were not thought of before trying to copy NASCAR - Jim
I like what Melanie said about if they couldn't do it on their own merit, they didn't deserve it.

I hope everyone runs hard.

I agreee 100% !! If the car isn't running well and the driver isn't doing their job,then they don't deserve to get in. It's not about business,it's all about drag racing.
thats the problem Chris....drag racing has become a business

Drag Racing becoming a business isn't a "problem", it's a necessity. Nothing happens in business without revenue...nothing. Every one of us on this board has thought or posted something regarding NHRA's growth...i.e...better TV coverage, better payouts, etc. Those things don't happen without revenue. If you've ever owned your own business you know that nothing happens without the 'business' end in place first...revenue.

I'll admit that the first 23 years of my Radio career I didn't fully recognize the need for revenue. I'd always worked for someone else and expected them to find the funds necessary to add services and grow the company. As a station owner...it's now everything I think about.

The bottom line is that this scenario is in place. Let's just watch it and learn from it. It may be a huge success or it may be a tremendous failure. Let's just sit back and see how this works out.
Think Morgan is out front about what's best for the Team....

Wouldn't want to be Del, Chuck, or Jeffy, or Cunningham this morning... but get one CSK car in the Play-offs.... but if Head wins in round one???? back in the timer box and race heads up... only do it if they must....
I've got no problem at all with a driver getting his or her teammate a secured spot in the cha... errr, countdown. I'd prefer if they would be up front about it, though.

This, roughly, is the interview I'd like to see:

Dave Rieff - "I've got Joe Blow from Joe Blow Racing here. Joe, are there going to be any "team orders" going on here?"

Joe Blow - "I've put 2.5 mil into a 2nd car this year, Dave. A big part of the reason for me doing that was to insure that at least one of my drivers has a shot at the big prize. Well, Driver X has no shot, Driver Z only needs 1 round win to secure a spot... so Driver X is going to fire up early, do a monster 1/4 mile burnout for the fans, then drive it right on out the back door. Hope y'all enjoy the show and we'll seeya at Indy."
Team Team Team ........ Hope Conrad uses his other two cars to advance Grubie, deep into the final 8.
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