Nitro Member
Ennis 2008...Greggo, Justin, Stefanie, and me are sitting in the pit side stands in about Row L. During the Friday night TF qualifying session, between some runs we hear from behind us the sound of very heavy footsteps going faster and faster, like somebody is running down the stands. As we turn to see what the commotion is, we see this poor drunken sap horizontal, like he's impersonating Superman flying thru the air. He began his drunken flight in about row Q, and landed with a face plant in about Row F. Landing between two unsuspecting, and very sober, individuals about 3 seats in from the aisle, the guy's beer went flying, he landed on his face, and there was blood everywhere, pouring from the guys face. We thought there was going to be fisticuffs but the sober guys took pity on the guy as he attempted to collect himself, sitting at the end of the row of seats while a few kind souls handed him some towels.
Fast forward to Sunday, during eliminations, some guy near us commented about Cory Mac taking a dive against Tony Schu and Greg says out loud "the only dive I've seen all weekend was that guy on Friday night" and then proceeded to simulate the staggering footsteps, the flight thru the air, and the crash landing. Stefanie's laugh alone about Greg's reenactment was worth the price of the Sunday ticket. Truly an instance where you had to be there.
I tend not to take humor out of other peoples misfortune, but that story gets funnier every time I hear it!
Although I didn't see the incident, I do believe that we did see the guy on Sunday in a similarly inebriated state... this time he was in a controlled ascent of the bleachers...
Something makes me think it wasn't his first "assisted" fall, or his last!