I'll cut and paste exactly what I posted on Comp Plus.. She's 25 years old, do you really think her Daddy made her do it? And forgive the Danica references, but they were applicable over there..
Were you all disappointed in John for doing it before? I still don't understand all the backlash from this, but then again, I don't have a daughter either.
She's got a great body, God Bless Her for having it and showing it off. And I don't think it's fair to compare Courtney to Danica's rise because of two things.
1) Courtney has a WAY better body and a better attitude.
2) Courtney has won several times and really has started making her own name before she ever took her clothes off for this.
Yes, she's John's daughter and got a little more of a headstart compared to everyone else. John isn't driving the car for her. Pretty girls are always going to get a little "more fair" treatment when it comes to anything in life, so I don't think you can base allegations on special treatment because she took some beautiful and very tastefully done pictures showcasing her body. It's not like she's in Hustler performing vile acts of perversion. And Danica didn't lose fans because of Go Daddy stuff, she lost fans because she lost and wrecked.. a lot.. and had a piss poor entitled attitude.
If I looked like that, and worked my butt off to stay looking that way, I would have pictures taken too because it doesn't stay that way forever. Probably way worse than hers are. It takes a lot of guts and confidence to do what she did. And if it offends you, don't look. Nobody is holding a gun to your head(nor should they have to..lol). And if you think less of her for it, I think that speaks volumes as to how small minded of a person you really are. She's not on TV in a bikini plugging domain names every week. She's a PR machine and a great ambassador of the sport doing more PR than any other two drivers combined before races.
And if you think this was purely a publicity stunt, do you really think she needs it? She's already more famous than her old man. I think she did it because she's proud of what she's accomplished and tired of people saying drivers aren't or don't need to be athletic.
I actually take a little pride in the fact that they only have Danica, when we've got proven history of women winning, let alone smokin' hot ones like Courtney.