Nitro Member
On this point, sir, we're going to have to agree to disagree.it matters not if their performance is similar......a drag racing junkie should be excited and sit on his/her hard bleacher seat all day long soaking up all the performance they can from multiple classes...
Most folks on this message board and throughout the drag racing community don't sell Drag Racing to their friends who have never attended a race by telling them they just have to come see these cars that launch real hard and then stutter for a second or two before racing down the track towards the finish line while bouncing on and off the throttle to stay ahead while trying to not go too quick. I do agree that those of us who have followed the sport for most of our adult lives LOVE that stuff, because we understand it. And most newbies can't tell the difference between a fuel car and a Top Alcohol car at first, but darn near everyone prefers the fuel cars once they see the difference on the race track. Lets face it, we sell our newbie friends on obnoxiously loud, violent and aggressive Top Fuel & Funny Cars - nothing else. The ones who get hooked learn to love and respect all the classes, but they almost always come in because of CH3NO2. If NHRA allowed the TAD(A/FD) & TAFC classes to go as quick and fast, they'd be losing a gigantic selling point. Besides, what's the point of spending money on all the equipment necessary to run a fuel car if a racer can go just as quick and fast in a TA car?
Will NHRA continue to make decisions with the intent of making the fuel cars safer (and potentially slower)? Sure, that's the nature of the sanctioning body. But I don't believe they'll ever make them slower than any other class.
On the other hand, the backbone of the sport IS the sportsman community and NHRA will survive forever even if the fuel categories were to go away altogether because every weekend at drag strips all across this great nation, folks pour their heart and soul into their race cars and develop friendships and relationships with their fellow racers that will last a lifetime.