My Dad knew Bob Edwards and his brother Lon. They were from Union Bridge, Maryland. The car he was driving the day he was fatally injured at Maple Grove was their own Edwards Bros. TF car on May 15, 1977. My Dad wasn't driving in Modified Eliminator anymore, but was still wrenching. He knew Bob from when he was driving a SS/D Chevelle racing at York, 75-80, Mason-Dixon, Capitol, etc., and then he went from the SS car straight to a TF.
Dad had his hands burned very badly in a garage fire working on the race car. His hands were still bandaged when they went to Maple Grove. Moments before Bob's accident, he and Dad were talking in the staging lanes. The last thing Bob said to Dad was "take care of your hands, burns can get infected."
About a year ago, I was searching for nostalgia drag racing videos on the internet, and found a website that has videos of racing crashes from all over the world, some dating back to the early 1900's. Let me first say, that I am in no way a FAN of watching crash videos, especially fatal videos. But I did discover the video of Bob Edwards. For 25 + years, Dad had told me the story a couple of times. Every year when we go to the Keystones, he says he can still see it happening, along with Dodger Glenn's accident in 1978. the way Dad had described the crash to me, is EXACTLY the way it happened.
I will not post the link to the website. Those who want the link can PM me.