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When is this going to end?

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that's good. However, if you feel strongly about this illegal alien issue, the quality of life in American now and in the future, your taxes to support illegals, blah blah blah, and want your voice heard, better make your decision soon.... there will be another vote for cloture today.

I've posted this like several times.
HMMM you do an Illegal thing and you go to prison and lose your rights ,you can't vote etc .But you BECOME an Illegal and you can do anything you want with no repercussion . THEY ARE CALLED ILLEGAL FOR A REASON .Maybe we should call them freedoms.These pieces of crap can do what they want when they want for free . You go thru lil mexico here and all you see is escalades and denalis on 24"wheels with tv's and boom boom radios . Its ludicris instead of saying GOMEZ on the back window it shoould say sponsored by the AMERICANS WE STOLE ALL THIS STUFF FROM .

Here in Oklahoma we have deer,rabbit,squirel,duck,and dove hunting season when do we finally get ILLEGAL IDIOT season TO RID THEM LIKE THE THE COYOTE'S !
HMMM you do an Illegal thing and you go to prison and lose your rights ,you can't vote etc .But you BECOME an Illegal and you can do anything you want with no repercussion . THEY ARE CALLED ILLEGAL FOR A REASON .Maybe we should call them freedoms.These pieces of crap can do what they want when they want for free . You go thru lil mexico here and all you see is escalades and denalis on 24"wheels with tv's and boom boom radios . Its ludicris instead of saying GOMEZ on the back window it shoould say sponsored by the AMERICANS WE STOLE ALL THIS STUFF FROM .

Here in Oklahoma we have deer,rabbit,squirel,duck,and dove hunting season when do we finally get ILLEGAL IDIOT season TO RID THEM LIKE THE THE COYOTE'S !

I'm on both sides of it. As I've said for years, if I could sneak into Canada and make ten times what I do here (which we MAY have to do someday if the Mexicans keep coming here! LOL)? Call me an illegal, too.

But, I wouldn't go up there and complain that their laws needed to change because it'd be "unfair" to send me back. Baloney! I'd keep my damn mouth shut and make my money. I bet I'd be learning some French and learn to complain about everything so's to blend in, too! :D

Yeah, I think it's a huge discrimination for illegals to walk in here and break laws while our government knowingly turns a blind eye, then rakes US over the coals for the same laws just because, as the DOT officer told my friend "You have a number and we know where to find you." We are PAYING our government to do that to us!
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not anymore in Southern California. Virtually every story you hear on the local news about illegal immigrants refer to them as "undocumented immigrants" rather than illegal immigrants.

Next time I make an illegal lane change on the highway I will see if I can get away with the violation by stating to the officer that I merely made an undocumented lane change.
For however gloom and negative it sounds, I predict this country will fall from the inside from it's own weight if this problem isn't solved. How can it not? What, are the liberals just going to keep raising taxes on those who volunteer to participate, while the number of people who don't participate continues to rise? They're still walking in and the ones here are reproducing?

The government we've already paid too much in taxes to did this to us, and I predict that we will continue to have our dollars/the hours it takes working to produce them wasted on "solutions" that won't work.
Ron and Jackee, people keep voting for the same old shit. Time to vote for a 3rd party. Last election I didnt vote for one republican or democrat.
I actually looked into forming a party a few years ago. I would like to see one that stands for fiscal conservatism (because it's just math!), but socially liberal (because I don't think you can legislate what people want to do, whether you agree with what they want to do or not). No party's going to give everyone everything they want. I think you could at least do better at giving more people more of what they want. A party that focuses more on what people agree on than what they disagree on.

It's very evident to me that the the people of this country have been sold on "taxes for the rich" progressive taxes thanks in large part to a media that votes about 90% Democrat. It's also evident to me that when the last two Democrat Presidents left office the economy was in the toilet. Both times Republicans stepped in, cutting taxes, with the liberal media screaming "They're cutting taxes during a BAD ECONOMY!" Both times, a few years later, the economy responded, without the same media then turning around and giving any credit, of course.

The Republicans didin't even know how to be Republicans. What they did for the economy was the ONE thing they could have run on in the last two elections, and they didn't. They barely nicked taxes 7 years ago and look what it did. I didn't hear one Republican running on "Let's keep doing it until it doesn't work, then we'll pull it back a little." Of course, mix all that in with a media that criticized George Bush for having 5.5% unemployment, the same number they praised Bill for having.

John Kerry was speaking out both sides of his mouth concerning taxes. He ran on promising tax increases for everyone earning over $200,000, which means small business owners, which means America's number one employer by volume. Then last year, when asked about our wonderful economy, he had to complain about something, so it was "low paying jobs and jobs going overseas." This is the guy who was going to make it MORE expensive to be an employer! Like I've asked tons of people "How do you raise an employers taxes AND expect them to hand out increased wages and benefits?" Like I've said, this isn't even political. It's math and ideas.

As far as the socially liberal part goes, as long as someone isn't doing what fit's the majority's definition of hurting other people? You could throw abortion into that, which is something that's going to be agreed upon by everybody about the same day that creationism and evolution will be.

Look at prohibition. Drinking was morally wrong until the government figured out it was missing out on too many tax dollars? The same as a lottery. Whether it's morally correct to have depends on who runs it and where the profits go? Or, if you want to smoke in a public building in New Jersey, you can only do it in a casino, where the gov't makes the most tax dollars? I think this gov't has a LOT more power than it was ever intended for it to have. It's not supposed to socially engineer our lives.

I think the problem is most Americans have been brainwashed by a liberal Democrat media for so long that I don't think they want anything via the fact that they've added it up for themselves. What they know is what they've had thrown at them for over 30 years.
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It really isn't as simple as it may seem.
If Mexico fails or is totally taken over by ,
a. Socialists
b. drug gangs
c. drug cartels [ foreigners ]
There will be a rush of millions more crossing the border starving , ill , many with relatives already here.
Who is at fault for enriching the drug lords to the tune of billions?
Maybe not me or you but we belong to the country with the biggest [ money wise ]head for drugs there has ever been.
After learning about the fact we are 10 percent of the Mexican economy and 30 percent of the country is controlled by gangs and drug lords, that demand loyalty or unpleasant deaths of family members, till that loyalty is granted .
Then add the corrupt police , army , prison and Judical system I figure it this way.
a. we will be turned into them by 2050 or 2030 with amnesty.
b. We can make a deal or invade Mexico and institute reforms and clean up the country spending money with little in return.
c. Annex Mexico and gain several more states and a lot of natural resources.
As someone already noted areas of our country already resemble Mexico.
Foreign investment in Mexico under present Mexican law is hard and the risks great.
I noticed something new on the seawall in Port Arthur Texas a few days ago.
Gang sign painted on it showing MS 13 now has sovereignty over the area.
They are in 69 of our cities now and spreading .
That was months ago, more now.
Bioragphy did a special on them and it wasn't whitewashed.
You don't resign from MS 13 and live for long.
In El Salvador they have a prison full of men who quit who can't leave for fear of being killed even though they have done their time.
Houston we definitely have a big problem and ignoring it like with Al Qaeda will only make it worse.
Who will turn the starving millions away at our border?
You know the greatist country in the world will open its arms and pocket book like we always do.
Till we fail then who will pick us up?
IMO the figure of Illegals is closer to 40 million .
I've been counting for years!
A spanish radio station in Houston 10 years ago claimed 750,000 listeners.
They had several Spainish radio stations in Houston back then. That's one city.
I hope this isn't a stupid question, but how is it possible for an illegal citizen to vote ?


It's not a stupid question Mark. If ID is required to register to vote, they will do it the same way as they did to obtain a drivers license .... phony ID... in some cases Identity theft.

Entering our country illegally is only the first law they violated and this is precisely the reason that a 'pathway to citizenship' should NOT be granted to anyone who broke US law by coming here illegally.

The 'Pro-Amnesty' crowd and illegal community is VERY loud. Those who respect and uphold the laws of our country must united and become even louder, and outnumber the hundreds of thousands of people who stand together to protest action being taken against them.... and demanding the same rights as US citizens.

It is important that everyone understand this about me and my involvement with this issue. I am NOT against immigration. My mother was born in Holland and she and her parents and 3 siblings immigrated here in the early 1900's. However, they did so legally, and they came here because they wanted to become AMERICANS and they also wanted to learn ENGLISH. Neither can be said about the vast majority of the 12 million illegals already here. And THAT is the 2nd thing to which I object. The first being the breaking and total disrespect of our laws. :mad:

For any maters in the NY metropolitan area (or from anywhere else for that matter) there is an anti-illegal immigration rally being organized by the Pro America Society to be held in Morristown, NJ on Saturday July 28.

ProAmerica Society - Revering the foundations of our American heritage.
I would also like you to know that Morristown's Mayor, Donald Cresitello is one of the first U.S. mayors to request Federal immigration training for his town's police officers, so that they will have the authority to intervene in local immigration issues. As it stands, immigration is a federal jurisdiction, and local authorities cannot take action.

Needless to say, Mayor Cresitello has faced a lot of opposition from the illegal community in his town as well as from pro-amnesty Latino groups. To his credit, he has stood strongly against this opposition. He is determined to fight illegal immigration in his town and no one need fear that Morristown, NJ will become a so called 'sanctuary city' on his watch.

He is not deterred by the sand which such groups like to throw up into someone's face with words such as 'racist', 'anti-immigration', 'bigot', prejudiced, etc. which are thrown about to get the focus off of the actual issue, which is people who are breaking U.S. laws.

Mayor Cresitello deserves all the support we can give him.
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Maybe we can have Dec 1 - March 1 open season on aliens !!! Right now they have no reason to not want to come here . They can do what they want when they want with no repercussions or penalty . They can rob,steal,murder,rape ,and what ever else becasue they know there is nothing that will happen . Sooner or later AMERICANS are going to have to stand up and put a stop to the boarder jumpers one way or another . They can run back across in masses or they can be target practice for the patriots !
Eric, that is a very dangerous point of view.

The fact is that the majority of people who come here are not murderers, rapists, thiefs, or any other sort of criminal. Just wanting to enjoy all that America has to offer. The problem is that they start off their journey by breaking our civil laws. There needs to be accountablity for that infraction of our laws.

Just as it is not a reality that all Muslims are terrorists, not all illegals are criminals.... of the kind that you are referring to. Have they broken the law by coming here illegally? Of course they have, and that issue needs to be dealt with. If their presence here also involves identity theft and phony papers, THOSE are beyond civil infractions of the law and MUST be dealt with as such.

Our borders must be secured for the safety of America....

Among the 12+million illegals in this country already, I am positive there are terrorists included in that number. And, because we have shown the world how weak we are on immigration laws, (as well as other issues) more are likely to follow.

I read an article in the paper this morning over breakfast, urging a 'humane' resolution to illegal immigration. By inferring that returning the lawbreakers to their own countries and making them come here through legal channels already in place is 'inhumane', a gullible public will cave in, because goodness knows, we don't want to treat anyone 'inhumanely'. They are words, people. Specifically aimed towards turning heads away from the real issue. People breaking our laws. Period.

Do not be conditioned to respond to words such as 'humane', 'racist', 'prejudiced', 'profiling' or any of the other key words used to draw attention away from the issues.

If the average illegal alien or even terrorist's profile ever becomes that of a 60+ year old white woman with blond hair and blue eyes, of Dutch and Welsh ancestry, I will gladly give up my civil liberties and consent to profiling and extra scrutiny. Why? Because I have nothing to hide and I will know that my country is doing all it can to protect not only it's citizens, but me as well.

Protect yourself with knowledge. And encourage everyone you know, to do so as well.
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