This is not a slang term by any means, but it's the most beautiful, meaningful words ever uttered at any drag strip. Do you remember chief NHRA announcer Bernie Partridge?
As the last tones of the national anthem faded on Labor Day morning you could hear the vicious cackle of the first two top fuelers, and Bernie would say....
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the fastest accelerating vehicles in the world, TOP FUEL ELIMINATOR!"
And that first pair, came charging and bouncing to the line, angrily, as the crowd rose to its feet...
Sitting in the stands we were far enough away to not get watery eyes from the nitro. But I'll bet there were hundreds of us in those stands whose eyes got misty!
We seem to always remember Steve Evans, and Mac, and we should. But if you haven't heard Bernie you really missed something good. And if you do remember Bernie Partridge, well, you know what I mean.