Nitro Member
Would that really be a bad thing? New teams would spring up overnight if they didn't have to race those guys.
and then the title of this thread would change overnight to "How we finally slowed down Top Fuel"
Would that really be a bad thing? New teams would spring up overnight if they didn't have to race those guys.
Paul Sapienza's first sentence is absolutely correct: "... it can't pe policed before the race, & it CAN'T be proven after the race." I'm sorry if this is angering people, but grow up. Every form of motorsports that involves a team, i.e., more than one car owned by the same entity, from Formula 1 on down has diving. Most of the time it's done subtly, others not so much. There was one F1 race this season in which one team car was far superior to the other, and when they came in for their pit stops the slower car was ordered out first. The quicker driver soon overtook and passed him again, but a few laps from the conclusion the quicker car pulled over and let the other guy through, because that was what the team wanted. Since there's no way of proving anything -- and even if NHRA thought there was and decided to disqualify a driver, just imagine the courtroom scene later. Courtrooms demand proof, not suspicion. A disqualified driver could probably sue -- and win -- a substantial amount under those circumstances. As an example, some years ago a driver was alleged to have bribed an official in order to win a race. The rumor got back to the sanctioning body president, who (privately) stated he'd demand the trophy and the money back and would suspend the driver in question. Then his lawyer explained the facts of the law to him, and nothing was done because there was no actual, physical proof that the bribe had taken place. It's the same thing with throwing a race. Proving it is a lot harder than suggesting it.
Jon Asher
Senior Editor
I don't think you would get as many new cars as you think you would...and if you did get a few new cars they would probably only run a few races a year. DSR or JFR has nothing to do with the high travel expenses it costs to run a full tour.Would that really be a bad thing? New teams would spring up overnight if they didn't have to race those guys.
Match racing Shirley, orders from the track owner. Make a lot of smoke on the burn out, make it look good, and make sure she wins.I'm calling BULLSHIT on this...
I'm calling BULLSHIT on this...
Back before scoreboards their were a "few" announcers that would slightly embellish et's and speeds at match races. The match races were Chicago style meaning all cars ran two rounds and the two quickest winners came back for a final round. These were funny car races.
Take it from there.
Let's reset the "ladder" each round, based on the winning elapsed times from the previous round. That should take a bit of the predictability out of it..... Regards, Chase
I know diving takes place in most forms of motor sports. But one thing drag racing has that others dont is the ladder. This is the only place diving can be reduced(not eliminated all together ). Lotta smart people around, Cant someone come up with a workable plan??
Where are the funny cars?
No, but I have irritated NHRA a few times over the last five decades. Chase
The difference between being the Mello Yello champion and 2nd place is $400,000. That's a good amount of money for most of us but certainly not backbreaking for a championship-contending FC team. It's all about competition and bragging rights, more than the actual money. The winner's purse has never been close to the cost of funding a team.Unreal. Really? "Throwing" the race? These are TEAMS. If I have one of my team cars fighting for the championship and the other is not close to the championship you are a fool to race "straight up". There is millions at stake here. There are multiple team cars for blocking, data and a better chance to win the whole enchilada. Lets not have running backs have blockers in front of them...or quarterbacks taking a knee at the snap....or pitchers intentionally walking a batter to get a better advantage. What is fun to watch is when it goes wrong and the car that is supposed to win goes up in smoke and the other is peddling their ass off to try to not finish first. Kind of like a batter stepping up and reaching for an intentional walk pitch that is a bit too close to the zone and smacks it into the outfield.
You want all straight up racing? Then pay everyone the same amount of money for every run, win or loose.