Nitro Member
The majority of fans that know and care that the race was thrown are the amount on the message boards we all frequent. Maybe that many.If the team owner would man up and just admit a dive happened, I think most fans could live with that.
It’s when a dive is blatantly obvious and the diver tap dances around the subject, acting all huffy for getting called out, that makes me wish there was some legitimate way to penalize them.
The fans that know that race was thrown and don't care that nobody has manned up about it fit into the next catagory, and are slightly more than the first group. Maybe that many.
The fans that have no idea that anything was done prior to the green light are NHRA's target audience, and they outnumber us by a huge number. It's entertainment to them, and they also don't complain when the wrestling match goes to the guy expected to win, or the NASCAR guys all pile it up on the Green-White-Checkered... They were entertained...