Nitro Member
If Fed-Ex have a short term memory loss Bob might be in with a shot again. Haha!![]()
....and that is when hell would freeze over!!!!
I am not happy to see UPS leave NHRA Drag Racing. However, it really does not suprise me at all. The Shipping market has dropped overall by about 15% in the past 2 years. The Fuel prices have created a HUGE drop in Margin accross the board. Margin creates Profit. The goal of all the shipping companies right now is simply to STAY ABOVE WATER! DHL has been trying to Merge it's Domestic business with UPS, (and even Fed Ex). UPS had a great spokesperson in Bob Vandergriff jr. He does a great job representing his sponsors, and has over the years. I am sure he will land another big fish pretty soon! This also creates a problem with the NHRA as they have had a contract with UPS to be the "Official Shipping Company" of the NHRA. I'm sure this is going away as well.
Good Luck to Bob and his team in securing funding for their team!