Ok, take your fan hat off and look at this situation with some FACTS, which appears to be the case with you as you have a hard time accepting Ashley isn't one of the top drivers in FC. Ashley is second off of the line almost 80% (78% to be exact) of the time (worst in the top 15 in points), which means her crew chiefs are responsible for having a tune up in the car to get it from point A to point B quicker than her opponent to offset the slower reaction time. I don't know why you are having such a hard time accepting this FACT, but Karl is correct (and he doesn't have a FC time slip, imagine that). If the driver is second off of the line the majority of the time who is responsible for providing the performance? Ding, ding, ding, ding, the crew chief!!! If you don't understand this my next step would be creating flash cards for you on PowerPoint. As a seasoned TF/FC driver said (Jerry "the King" Ruth), Ashely not only can't cut a light but she also overdrives the car which creates the situations where the car is on two wheels

which has happen on more than one occasion this year.
Now to the topic of this thread, if ESPN had some balls they would call this out and ask John and team what they think of their driver's performance, hell Dean and Ron need a pay raise. Of course they won't do this, they will show the damn cat drinking wine in the NAPA valley this weekend vs. talking about something that will more than likely prevent the team from winning the championship. Or even better yet, talk about a couple of teams who have been filling out the fields this year, which many of them have some good stories about the common guy coming together to get a car out on the track.