Nitro Member
No KoolAid here, just Bacardi and Diet Coke. Sorry, but I like to have some facts to support an opinion and to discard the Countdown before the first season is done is foolish because you have no facts to support your view. I, and others, have made the decision to wait an see how the Countdown works out before passing judgment. I think change is a good thing and the old structure was in place for 20+ years, so it was time for a change and create some more excitement for the sport.
Everybody knows how it works out, Paul. There are two points resets with diving and luck thrown in for good measure. If Fuller, Capps and Anderson don't win the championship it will be because Compton and his henchmen helped the "official" champs steal it from them, and the entire pro pit area will know it. Change is never a good thing when it's done simply for the sake of change. The reason the old system lasted 20+ years is because it was straight-up competition with a true, honest champion at the end of the season, simple as that. You can type "see how it plays out" until Judgment Day and the countdown will still suck.